UGANDA: Brothers of Christian Instruction in Uganda Celebrate 200 Years of Existence

His Grace Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga presiding the bicentennial function, Credit Uganda
Br. Vincent Barigye
On February 7, 2021, the Brothers of Christian Instruction in the Province of Uganda closed the bi- Centennial (200th anniversary) celebration.
The bi-centennial celebrations started in 2019 at their Motherhouse in Ploermel, France and were to be concluded in October 2020 but the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the arrangements.
The occasion to close the anniversary was graced by His Grace Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, the Archbishop of Kampala Archdiocese who presided over the event.
During the celebration, four members of the Institute made their final profession to the life of evangelical counsel – Bro. Matthew Katongole, Bro. Delefino Muhindo, Bro. Godfrey Yiga and Bro. Mathias Mulumba; five Brothers celebrated their Silver Jubilee – Bro. Aloysius Mulindwa Kizito, Bro. Anslem Nsemereirwe, Bro. Ambrose Mwebaze, Bro. Achilleo Kiwanuka, and Bro John Ssenkabirwa; and two Brothers celebrated their Golden Jubilee – Bro Francis Xavier Byarugaba and Bro Deo Ssekitoleko.
The Institute of the Brothers of Christian Instruction is a lay international Religious institute of Pontifical rite, founded in France in the region of Brittany by two priests, namely Fr. Jean-Marie de la Mennais and Fr Gabriel Deshayes a Montfort Missionary on June 6, 1819.
Founded to teach in Catholic schools to make Jesus Christ known and loved by the children and the youth who at that time had no good schools to go to, the founders chose Deus Solus (Latin) meaning GOD ALONE as a symbolic motto for the Brothers.
Currently the Brothers are working in over 26 countries around the world. Besides the East African region, the Brothers are also found in Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Benin, Togo and Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
In the East Africa, the Brothers serve in two dioceses in Kenya and six dioceses in Tanzania with the Province of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus-Uganda by far and large the biggest Province on the continent.
The Province covers eight dioceses including the community in Tombura -Yambio Diocese in South Sudan, with 25 communities and 27 educational Institutions.
With Covid 19 restrictions still in place, the Brothers opted for a scientific function that brought together a manageable number of invited guests including the clergy, consecrated persons, lay Mennaisian Associates and other Lay Faithful who joined them to underline the many contributions and achievements throughout the 200 years of their existence and to give thanks for their founders.