MALAWI & ZAMBIA: Let’s Advance Missionary Home in the Wake of Covid 19

Fr Vincent Mwakhwawa
Andrew Viano
A Virtual Conference for children that brought together more than 175 participants from Zambia and Malawi agreed that Covid-19 pandemic should offer a rare opportunity for Catholic children across the globe and Sub-Saharan countries to evangelize and invigorate in prayer in their homes.
The conference which was co-hosted by Pontifical Missionaries of Zambia and Malawi highlighted the need for children to actively take part in spreading the Word of God as part of the children’s missionary role as baptized members of the Church.
In his opening remarks, PMS Director for Zambia, Fr Edwin expressed his satisfaction with the participation of children in the conference from 19 dioceses from the two countries.
Fr Edwin further urged children not relent in prayer.
In his remarks, his counterpart from Malawi, Fr Vincent Mwakhwawa said the conference was an eye opener and a step further in ensuring that children live a prayerful life especially in the month of October which is the Mission Month. He appreciate this new way of improving children’s interaction and animation through the digital plat of form using the zoom meeting.
“We have learnt a lot from what Sr. Roberta, the Secretary General of the Holy Childhood in Vatican has shared. It is inspiring to know that other children in other continents and countries, amidst Covid 19, are very active missionaries in their homes through prayer and collection money for charity. This is no mean knowledge and we are quite hopeful that the experiences will be of beneficial to the children who participated and the two National offices of Zambia and,” said Fr Mwakhwawa.
In her remarks, Sister Roberta who was the key note speaker of the Conference from Vatican, explained the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on the daily living of children, arguing they have been heavily affected.
Sr Roberta was quick to mention, though, that the pandemic should be taken as a rare opportunity for advancing Missionary life in the Home. Her experience of the children and parent in different parts of the world, remaining united in prayer and charity in the homes is a very encouraging missionary commitment.
“In the Americas there are Holy Childhood animations taking place through the digital platforms and many children have been active in homes and other small groups. Love of God on us during the pandemic motives us also to love Christ and our friends in this time of the pandemic. So, children have to pray in their homes especially praying for the pandemic and the various situations of children in the world. Let us be missionaries in our homes.” said Sr Roberta.
The conference also offered question and answer time for children from both Malawi and Zambia on different subjects which were ably answered by Sr Roberta.
This meeting was a way of celebration the mission month of October and preparing the children for World Mission Sunday 18 October 2020. The Catholic Church across the globe is celebrating October as Mission Month and is marked with animations, prayers and collection of money for missionary activities of the Church in the whole world.