MALAWI: PMS Prepares For World Mission Sunday

By Demetria Banda
The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) Malawi has expressed gratitude to the Society of the Catholic Apostolate, the Pallottines at Kaphatika Parish in Ntchisi District for responding to teachings they were given in preparation for World Mission Sunday which will be celebrated on 18th October 2020.
It’s now two weeks since Pontifical Mission Societies launched the work of teaching Christians. The launch was presided over by the PMS National Director Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa on 1st October at Kaphatika in Ntchisi to prepare for the celebration of World Mission Sunday.
The PMS Director of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Rev. Fr. Francis Lekaleka has since disclosed constructive feedback on the religious lessons given to Christians at Kaphatika Parish in preparation for World Mission Sunday.
“In the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, preparations for World Mission Sunday have been underway for some time at Kaphatika Parish in Ntchisi District where this year’s celebration will take place. People have been imparted with knowledge on their role when it comes to missionary activities. World Mission Sunday is the one day in the year when the entire Universal Church comes together in support of mission. The celebration this year will take place on 18th October under the theme “Here I am, send me”, said Fr. Lekaleka.
Fr. Lekaleka also appreciated the Christians of Kaphatika for being committed and eager to learn things that the Pastoral Team has been teaching them.
“So far, we have observed that most Christians here are able to dedicate themselves to missionary activities. It has also been noted that the faithful lack such opportunities to be imparted with knowledge on missionary work, so now they have been encouraged to participate in Church activities and they were able to ask for clarification, make comments and ask questions where they didn’t understand. This is an indication that Christians here at Kaphatika were listening to lessons that were offered for two weeks. This helps them to bring the Word of God to the peripherals by answering to the call: “Here I am, send me” or by answering Jesus’ command, “Go to all nations and proclaim the Gospel”, added Fr. Lekaleka.
The Chairperson of cerebrations in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Fr. James Mkwezalamba also expressed gratitude to local leaders who participated in the initiative.
“I should appreciate chiefs for coming in big numbers to participate and receive education in preparation for this year’s World Mission Sunday, people in the villages obey chiefs the most, however the participation of chiefs will contribute more because if the chiefs understand that fearing God is the beginning of wisdom, they will be the first to direct and encourage their people to always take part in missionary activities which will help our Christians to always participate when it comes to Church activities, said Fr. Mkwezalamba.
Fr. Mkwezalamba further encouraged the Catholic Christians to always be strong in doing the mission work through the realization that Jesus Christ is the first missionary as he came down from heaven to save mankind from sin and pledged his followers to be missionaries.
One of the Christians who attended the lessons Mr. Mark Mphizimtengo said he has leant a lot from the lessons that the Pastoral Team gave them and that it will change his spiritual life.
“I am very happy that now I know the things I did not know for a long time. Many people here including myself were not aware of our roles in the Church but we now know what they mean when they say World Mission Sunday and this has helped us a lot. We have also leant the importance of giving offerings in the Church and taking part in missionary activities. We have realized that each and every group in the Church is very important and we need to work together in order to develop our Church, said Mr. Mphizimtengo.
Mr. Mphizimtengo finally thanked the Pastoral Team for making them to realize the importance of World Mission Sunday and for choosing their parish among all parishes in Malawi to celebrate the World Mission Sunday.
World Mission Sunday is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. World Mission Sunday is celebrated annually and is the main way to collect funds for the propagation of the faith.