MALAWI: ECM Lifts Suspension on Church Sacrament

Luke Chimwaza
The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has announced the lifting of the suspension on Sacrament of Confirmation.
The announcement was made Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at the end of Extra-Ordinary meeting held from Monday October 12 to Tuesday October 13 at the Catholic Secretariat in Lilongwe.
“Having reflected on the current COVID-19 situation in the country in view of earlier statement issued on 8th May 2020, we have resolved to lift the suspension on Confirmation. We do so with guidance from the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments issued on 1st October 2020 on the correct way of validly administering the Sacrament of Confirmation given the rules on social distancing in force in many places. The said letter states, ‘For the validity of the Sacrament of confirmation the law establishes that it is conferred by the ordinary minister, and by a priest with the faculty to do so through the anointing with Chrism on the forehead while the words prescribed in the liturgical books are pronounced. The use by the minister of an instrument (groves, cotton swabs, etc) does not affect the validity of the Sacrament…”
As Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, we do underline the position of the congregation which clearly states that such practices cited above, where they are adopted are only to last until the end of the current COVID-19 emergency. However, all public health guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health must be strictly adhered to during such celebrations.” Read part of the statement which was co-signed by President of ECM Archbishop Thomas Msusa and all other Catholic Bishops in the country.
Commenting on the development, Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Health Dr Charles Mwansambo said he believes the Catholic Church is within the law in the step taken.
“The Catholic bishops are very responsible, and have always been supportive to us (government) in Covid-19 fight by promoting adherence to all the prescribed measures. I believe, while lifting the suspension on confirmation, Church authorities will ensure that they will maintain limiting the number of people to not more than 100, social distancing, wearing face masks, regular hand washing and others” He said.
As of Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Malawi had a total of 958 active cases with 181 deaths and 4688 recoveries.