MALAWI: Catholic Women Organization rolls out Covid-19 response

Watipso Mzungu
The Archdiocese of Lilongwe has pledged continued support to the Catholic Women Organization (CWO) in their efforts to improve the socio-economic livelihoods of the people in the country.
CWO Chaplain for the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Father Cyprian Chipalamwazani made the pledge on Monday when the organization briefed stakeholders on the three-month CWO Malawi Covid-19 Response Project.
The project has been initiated with financial support from the United States of America Bishops Conference’ (USCCB) Missio to contribute to the fight against the combat coronavirus disease (Covid-19).
Chipalamwazani said the church values the contribution lay movements make in the evangelization as well as in responding to calamities such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
“There are a number of things we are going to do to support them. The first support we will provide is moral to ensure that they are not discouraged in whatever they are doing. Secondly, we pledge to accompany them to the places where they are going to implement the project,” he said.
Chipalamwazani assured that the clergy will take a leading role in raising awareness by sparing time after the Eucharistic Celebration to update the faithful on the latest information regarding the pandemic and what needs to be done to contain it.
“The feeling among Malawians now is that Covid-19 is over. But that’s not the case. The disease is still among us and we need to remain vigilant about it,” he narrated.
The National CWO Chairperson, Lucy Vokhiwa, said the CWO Covid-19 Response Project will be implemented in the two archdioceses of Blantyre and Lilongwe.
In Blantyre, the project will be implemented at Lunzu and Chemusa Townships under the Lunzu and St. Mary’s Parishes, respectively, while in Lilongwe, the project will be implemented at Mgubo and Kauma Townships under St. Patrick’s Parish in Area 18 and Kaondo and Mwenyekondo Townships of Msamba Parish in Area 36.
“We are targeting high density areas because that is where the risk for contracting or spreading the virus is high. Specifically, we want to enhance message dissemination on the disease. We will also be distributing hand-washing facilities to promote sanitation and hygiene as a prevention measure for preventing further spread of the virus,” she said.