KENYA: Nuns Challenged to Play Role Towards Safety and Security of Children

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
During a workshop aimed at enlightening Religious women on child safeguarding, nuns have been challenged to acquire some knowledge and be cognizant of their role in ensuring safety and security of children.
“Child abuse can happen in any space where children are. Religious women run several institutions including schools, dispensaries and working in parishes where they directly come to contact with children. It is therefore important that Sisters be aware of the implications and the need for child safeguarding and protection,” insisted the workshop facilitator Br. Elias Mokua a member of the Society of Jesus (SJ) during an interview with AMECEA Online.
The objective of the workshop which the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK) Justice and Peace Commission organized and was offered online to “challenge and change unjust practices, systems and structures by encouraging personal and social responsibility of all,” the workshop aimed at training Sisters so that they play their role in prevention of child abuse and litigation, following the history of child abuse which affects the Church.
“Church is a promoter of values for all, particularly children and the vulnerable. The Church believes in human rights anchored on human dignity. For this reason, children must look at the Church as an institution with the credibility and integrity she needs for them to develop trust,” Br. Mokua said to over 650 nuns online.
The Jesuit brother reminded the Religious women that child abuse can be committed by a Sister or by a staff under the care of the Sisters, hence their role of ensuring safety and security to children in all its spaces, even more at home.