KENYA: “Defend the Family and Dignity of Children,” Bishops Appeal to Christians

Bishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba of Nakuru Diocese
Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
Prelates in Kenya under their umbrella body the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have urged Christians and people of good will to strongly protect the family and dignity of children, more especially the right to life.
Their appeal comes amidst the ongoing controversial Reproductive Health Bill which they note is against the teachings of the Church and African cultural values.
In a collective statement read by Bishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba of Nakuru Diocese during a televised Mass at the Holy Family Basilica, Nairobi, the Bishops call upon all Christians and people of good-will to stand up and defend the family, the dignity of our children, as well as the religious and cultural values of Kenya.
“We are concerned about the ongoing debate on the Reproductive Health Care Bill No. 23 of 2019,” the Church leaders noted adding that “some sections of this Bill go against the Constitution of Kenya in regard to the right to life.”
The statement which is dated Sunday July 5 highlights the family as a domestic Church where children learn ethical values and are protected from harmful social practices.
“Our families have to become places where social values, virtues and morals for our children and the youth are taught, encouraged and supported. This is the only way to deal with the social and moral evils affecting our society today,” reads an excerpt of the statement.
“We call upon parents and care-givers to strengthen their relationship with God and strive to be exemplary companions to their children,” the Prelates added quoting Pope Francis who reminded parents that they “should always be aware of the weight of their example as they form children in faith and morals.”
The Bishops have further appreciated the move by the Senate to engage with the Church on on this matter.
“All stakeholders must be engaged in this process. And we shall advocate for the Ministry of Education through Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) to provide age-appropriate and value-based human sexuality education to learners,” Bishop Muhatia who is also the Chairman of KCCB-Seminary Episcopal Commission said.
Bishop Muhatia further appreciated the laity, “individuals and groups that have continued to champion matters pertaining to the sanctity of life,” adding that “Covid-19 pandemic has taught us that our faith, our family values and our unity are crucial in managing the emerging challenges.”