TANZANIA: TEC Wants Government to Adopt Social Market Economy to Eradicate Poverty

Training of Editors in Tanzannia
Sarah Pelaji
Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) insists Tanzanian Government must adopt the new economic model of Social Market economy in order to have a strong nation with sustainable and inclusive economic growth and enables participation and development for all.
The model comes after a scientific research and analysis from economists from Mzumbe University, St Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) and Dar es Salaam University under the coordination of religious leaders in Tanzania.
The economic system is traced back to Alfred Muller Armack, Walter Eucken, Leonhard Miksch, Franz Bohm, Wilhelm Ropke, Alexander Rustow, Konrad Adenauer and Ludwig Erhard who had a vision to strengthen and build individual economies under their own government.
“Tanzania also needs a clear economic ideology which focuses the country’s development activities towards an inclusive economy in which free trade and competition are balanced. This balance comes from the State as a referee and the individual citizens at the centre of decision and actions,’’ stated the Secretary-General of TEC Rev. Dr. Charles Kitima while opening a one-day seminar to Tanzania’s media editors on how to engage in the adaptation of social market economy.
He insisted that media editors in Tanzania ought to prioritize content on market capitalism in order to build a more prosperous and inclusive economy for individuals.
Fr Kitima said that in order to get rid of the poverty among individuals and to promote the country’s economy, it is time for the editors to prioritize the analysis of policies, plans and economic principles that aim at responding to the construction of a market economy.
“This system we have researched since 2016, and we are convinced that it is the best system that will enable Tanzania to create a sustainable economy for individuals,” said Fr Kitima.
He added that the uniqueness of the Social Market Framework is how it links the free market economy with the role of government in controlling the country’s economic growth if it is to ensure justice for all and to promote fair competition.
In creating an inclusive economy-building system, Fr Kitima said that the system helps reduce inflation, reduce unemployment and improve the working environment by promoting social well-being.
“During research, we visited different countries that have successfully built their economy on this system. We went to Germany which is one of the most successful countries through this system, to learn how to build and run this economy in our country,’ added Fr. Kitima.
He said, in order for the economy to grow and produce positive results, it is important for Tanzania government to do a critical assessment and plan accordingly.
“So far how have we managed various income activities but are we self-sufficient?” asked Fr Kitima.
He emphasized that for a country to develop it must have a sound economic system, and that is why some countries succeeded early in achieving their goals.
”Tanzania’s economy is growing but still, the citizens as individual are poor probably because of the methods, philosophies and technologies that have been used and continue to be used now.
He therefore urged journalists through news reports, articles, debates and interviews to make sure they play a major role in explaining this economic system.
“Journalists, you have the responsibility of bringing this economy into the community and able carry the topic to all levels. We cannot do anything for national development without media: where we ignored the media, we failed, ” he said.
For his part, the facilitator of the program, Mr. Pansian Ntui a lecturer at SAUT, said that it was good for the authors to start looking at the policies, laws and regulations governing the economy of the country.
Ntui said that in their research they identified one of the challenges contributing to the country’s economic failure since independent as lack of a country philosophy and ideology.
“Since we gained Independence we have never had a system to guide the kind of economy we want. Between 1961-1985 we followed the African socialism economy; 1985-1995 the liberal economy system; from 1995 up to 2015 the privatization system; and from 2015 to the present we are using the industrial economy. This is making Tanzania a nation that lacks economic direction,” said Ntui.