KENYA: Missionary Sisters of Precious Blood Come to the Aid of Needy Families in Slums

Francis Njuguna
On Friday, June 12, nuns from the Missionaries of Sisters of the Precious Blood congregation moved in to distribute food stuff and other items to needy families in the locality Kawangware and Riruta slums in the city of Nairobi.
“We decided to dedicate this day to the distribution of the food stuff and other items which we had sourced for the purpose of intervening during this Corona Virus pandemic,” said Sister Grace Njau, Coordinator of the Amani Rehabilitation Centre and Primary School, run by the Congregation.
The nuns, assisted by teachers and social workers spent much of the day, reaching out to the families through the contacts of the children.
“We are lucky that we do not have any problem to reach these needy families. We have their contacts through their children so much that a simple telephone helps us reach the targeted families,” explained Sr Njau.
Together, the Rehab Centre and Primary School have over 200 children and drawn mainly from Kawangware and Riruta informal settlement sectors.
“In normal situation, we feed these children at our Rehabilitation Centre and Primary School but in this time of Coronavirus we have established a new way of doing things, it is by reaching the families,” explained Sr Grace.
School teacher Hassan Kariuki Warui, who participated in the distribution of the items, commended this mode of carrying out the distribution.
“It’s quite effective. I like it. It leaves no doubt that the intended items are going right to the poor,” he emphasized.
In Kenya, the Catholic Church through the Bishops, priests and Religious women are currently involved in efforts to avail humanitarian assistance to the needy and poor families as the Coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the country hard, socio-economically.