TANZANIA: TEC Donates Coronavirus Protective Equipment to Parishes and Health Centres

Bishop Augustine Shao of Zanzibar receiving infrared thermometer from TEC
Sarah Pelaji
Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) has donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), sanitizers, infrared thermometers and masks to some parishes in the Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam and the Diocese of Zanzibar as the fight against Covid-19 pandemic continues.
On his part, receiving the equipment, Bishop Augustine Shao of Zanzibar Diocese thanked the Conference for providing the materials to his Diocese which is located in on one of the islands in the coast of Tanzania.
“This is how we implement what we say. Corona exists and it kills. We really needed the preventive equipment,” he said adding, “Our people must wash hands every time with clean water and soap, use masks and sanitizers.”
He is also said he is impressed by the infrared thermometers which will be used in some dispensaries located in the rural parts of Zanzibar.
After receiving the equipment, Bishop Shao provided some to Fr. Doctor Mathias Ng’oja who supervises the Kitope Mission Dispensary.
He also availed some to Saint Camillus Hospital in Tomondo Zanzibar under the supervision of Sister Maria Theresia Shao.
Some of the equipment has also been donated to a counseling centre located in Chukwani Zanzibar which is for single mothers, children infected with HIV, victims of narcotics and the poor.
Meanwhile, the head of Justice and Peace commission in the Diocese Fr. Damasi Mfoi thanked the Conference for providing the Covid-19 protective equipment to the isolated community.
“Chukwani center provides services for children and people living with HIV, single mothers and victims of drugs. We serve all people regardless of religion, ethnicity, race etc. Here we witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ which emphasizes love for all. We are here to give love to God’s people and this is how we live the Catholic faith here in Zanzibar – caring for the poor, the widows,” he said.
Commenting on the role that TEC is playing during this pandemic Fr Mfoi continued to say, “We gain strength when TEC collaborates with us to provide support to these caregivers as they are at risk of easily getting infected by Coronavirus.”
Receiving the equipment on behalf of the Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam, Fr. Paul Chiwangu of the Immaculate Conception, Kurasini, thanked the Conference for being in the forefront of the fight against Covid-19 which is currently a national and global epidemic.
“This thermometer will be used to measure our believers’ temperature before entering the Church. Those who appear to have high temperature will be advised to follow the instructions given by the government through the Ministry of Health on what to do,” said Father Chiwangu.
The Conference also distributed part of the equipment to St. Maurus Parish and has plans to donate sanitizers around small Christian Communities in some parishes in Dar es Salaam.