UGANDA: Catholics in Uganda Encouraged to Build Families on Love and Faith Amidst COVID-19

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

As the Church continues to adhere to government directives to curb the spread of Covid-19 by observing social distance and avoiding mass gatherings among other guidelines, the Catholic faithful in Uganda have been urged to strengthen family bonds which need to be built on love and faith.

“We exhort you to continue building your families on the foundation of love and faith. We implore you to strengthen each other in all that you do during this moment of confinement,” Bishops stated in their Easter message signed by the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) chairman Bishop Joseph Anthony Zziwa.

The bishops have reminded parents and children about their role during this time when Uganda is experiencing total lockdown.

“Parents, now is even a greater opportunity for you to teach your children the faith and, by your own example of love, demonstrate to them the love of Christ for his Church and humanity. Children listen to your parents and participate in family prayer and work,” reads part of the message circulated on Easter Monday April 13.

“Together, pray for your families, for the Church, for victims of COVID- 19, for health workers, and for all persons who are contributing in different ways to bring an end to the pandemic. Allow the light and joy of the Risen Lord to shine on your families and bring you hope and blessings as you go through this trying moment. Let us make the best use of this time!” the Bishops added, urging Christians to strengthen prayer life and ask for Gods intervention.

Speaking about the current situation of the Church across the globe the prelates said, “Churches are locked and believers are not able to assemble physically in the celebration of the Word, the Sacraments and other liturgical celebrations. We are called to hold on to hope and to believe more fervently in God’s willingness and power to free us from the bondage of sin and suffering.”

“We are, therefore, encouraged by the fact that we are not alone in our darkest moment of pain and agony. The risen Lord is with us. He invites us to deeper our faith in Him and to worship God in truth, no matter where we are,” the Church leaders have stated.

The Bishops have also appreciated the Christians in their dedication to prayer and for keeping their faith even if they cannot physically attend Mass.

“We applaud you for keeping the faith and hope alive. We know that many of you are praying devoutly from your homes, which is an opportunity to strengthen the ‘family Church’, the pillar of Mother Church,” they stated.

“As for the clergy and co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard, we recognize the challenge that the pandemic has created for your apostolate. We encourage you to continue praying zealously for your flock and using available technologies to bring the joy of Easter to them,” reads excerpt of the Easter message.

The Bishops concluded by urging all Ugandans to to cooperate with Government in bringing a safe end to the pandemic, and the security agencies to exercise restraint in the exercise of their mandate.”