TANZANIA: Selfish Leaders Should Not Be Elected – Bishop Ngonyani says.

Bishop Bruno Ngonyani of the Catholic Diocese of Lindi

Tanzanians need to pray for the nation and pray for the next General Election so that the country’s Electoral Commission may conduct a free, fair and peaceful election and protect the interests of the majority rather than the minority.

The call was made recently by Bishop Bruno Ngonyani of the Catholic Diocese of Lindi, during a commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the death of Father and founder of Tanzania, President Julius Kambarage Nyerere, which was held at the Cathedral of St. Andrew Kagwa in the south-eastern Tanzania.

Government officials, politicians, citizens from neighboring regions and within the region attended the Mass, during which Bishop Ngonyani said that President Nyerere loved Tanzania and united Tanzanians, leaving behind a united nation.

He further emphasized the need for Tanzanians to pray for the nation to ensure that peace prevails and that as nation they never agree to see a few people acting in their own interests rather than looking at the needs of the majority.

“Citizens should never allow the God-given peace of Tanzania to be lost because of a few people who have decided to act on their own interests. Selfishness can lead to chaos that will have devastating consequences on our generations,” he continued.

Bishop Ngonyani has called upon the political leaders to honor the father of the nation, Julius Nyerere, by allowing themselves to be guided by virtues of wisdom and prudence, and using the power of dialogue to give the nation freedom without shedding any blood.

On 14th October each year Tanzania celebrates the life of Julius Kambarage Nyerere and this year was a 20th year since his death in 1999.

By Sarah Pelaji