MALAWI: Archdiocese of Lilongwe In Mission Week Campaign

FR. Francis Lekaleka, PMS Director during animation

The clergy and laity went full throttle into missionary campaign in four remote parishes of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe. This followed a successful launch of the Extraordinary Mission Month activities on 28th September at Maula Cathedral.

During the launch, Most Rev. Tarsizio G. Ziyaye of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe announced that certain parishes had been identified as mission territories where the Archdiocese, through its various pastoral entities, would focus its attention for a whole week as one way of responding to Pope Francis’ message, that all Catholics should live their baptismal call which sends them on a mission.

“Where were you all this time? This is an eye opener for us. We have learnt that we are all sent for the same mission, to evangelise, and not to compete with each other,” remarked a participant from a Small Christian Community in Nkhotakota after he had observed that the facilitators that included priests, Religious and representatives of various lay groups had travelled together for a distance of about 200 kilometres and were speaking the same language of unity in the mission.

The Pontifical Mission Societies in the Archdiocese collaborated with the Pastoral Office and the Laity Council in organising the missionary activities in four parishes during this week which was dubbed “Mission Week”. The campaign targeted animations to all leaders of Catholic Groups and Small Christian Communities, the Youth, children, Catholic Teachers, and a group of traditional leaders.

One day within those days was set for the Eucharistic Celebration presided by the Archbishop or his Vicar General and during his homily Monsignor Patrick Thawale urged the Catholic faithful to be active missionaries wherever they are.

Citing the example of the current political unrest in Malawi, he said Catholics must advocate for justice and truth.   He commended the facilitating team that had been going around as showing the true missionary spirit by sacrificing their time for the Lord’s mission.

The Director for Pontifical Mission Societies in the Archdiocese Fr. Francis Lekaleka thanked Archbishop Ziyaye for giving his full support to the mission activities during the Extraordinary month. He further commended the unity displayed by all groups – the clergy, Religious men and women and laity during this mission month.

Speaking on behalf of the laity, one of the facilitators, Dr. Mary Shawa who is also President of Lilongwe Sanatus of the Legion of Mary, pleaded that the missionary programs should go beyond the Extraordinary Mission Month.

The Archdiocese of Lilongwe assigned days from 7th to 11th October for Mission Week activities and the parishes designated as mission territories were Kaphatika, Mpherere, Nkhotakota and Benga.

By Rosemary Banda, PMS Lilongwe