KENYA: Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan Applauds Secretaries General For Commendable Work in Conferences

H.E. Most Rev. Hubertus Matheus Maria van Megen has expressed appreciation for the responsibilities and work done by the Secretaries General from AMECEA Region. He expressed these sentiments when he paid a courtesy call to AMECEA Secretariat to greet them as they were continuing with their ordinary meeting in Nairobi on Friday, October 4.

“Through the good work that AMECEA is doing and listening to you this morning, I am impressed that you really are able to identify key issues of concern that are affecting the Church today and are deliberating upon possible practical solutions. I am very grateful to you and to AMECEA that you are active in this field where we need to witness. Do not be afraid to go against the modern currents of this world which, by the way ,affect us all.”

H.E. Most Rev. Hubertus Van Megen, Apostolic Nuncio to  Kenya and South Sudan addressing Secretaries  General from AMECEA Countries
H.E. Most Rev. Hubertus Van Megen, Apostolic Nuncio to
Kenya and South Sudan addressing Secretaries
General from AMECEA Countries

By the modern currents, the Nuncio meant individualism, hedonism and liberalism which he said affect all of us. He said that such currents flow through newspaper articles, television and other forms of communication including books. As such, he recommended vigilance in order to know with whom one is identifying himself or herself – Christ or the Princes of this world.

Reflecting on the life of St. Francis of Assisi whose Feast Day is October 4, Archbishop Van Megan whose birthday also falls on the same day observed that the times of St. Francis are in many ways is similar to our times when the Church is faced with so many challenges.

“Francis, during his time, tried to give an answer through his personal witness. I think for each and every one of us, we have the same call as priests, Religious as as well as lay men and women, to give a witness in our lives on what we are doing.”

He told the Secretaries General that their responsibilities owing to the offices they hold make them very important in the service of the Church.

“Thank you for all the things you are doing for the Church, because you as Secretaries General in many ways are much more important. You cook the food and the Bishops eat it so to speak and if you don’t cook it well, they get indigestion,” he continued.

“May the grace of God be with you in this important work so that together as servants in the vineyard of the Lord you may grow in Christ and that our daily lives may give witness to the reality of Christ in this world.”


 By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News