SOUTH AFRICA: AMECEA Joins the global Faith Institutions to divest from Fossil Fuel

Rev. Fr. Paul Igweta, Coordinator AMECEA Department of Promotion of Human Integral Development

Faith Institutions are the largest constituency in the global divestment movement, and it is against this backdrop that AMECEA through the Department of Promotion of Human Integral Development join the global faith institutions to divest from fossil fuel.

Following the invitation from Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) to participate in the faith institutions divest conference which was held in Cape Town South Africa from September 9 to 13, AMECEA became part of the universal faith institutions working to safeguard the universe from the use of fossil fuel which is a major contributor to global warming and climate change.

“AMECEA countries and institutions have already taken heed to the concerns regarding care for ‘Mother Earth’ following the promulgation of Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical letter Laudato Si,” Fr. Igweta said, adding that the Secretariat is encouraging member conferences to align themselves to the encyclical by implementing the proposed themes in the document.

He however acknowledged the fact that many conferences in the region have already started the process of implementing the Laudato Si by rolling out various activities in the dioceses such as the tree planting initiatives.

Fr. Igweta indicated that the whole purpose of the meeting in South Africa was to campaign against the use of fossil fuel, which includes coal, gas and petroleum.


By AMECEA Online News Correspondent