ZAMBIA: Catholic Bishops Raise $25, 000 Towards Relief Food in Hunger Stricken Areas

Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), through Caritas Zambia has so far raised about $25, 000 towards the $9 million meant for relief food to areas hit by drought and floods during the 2018/2019 farming season.

In June this year, ZCCB launched a campaign to raise funds for relief food in drought hit areas of Zambia.

The Bishops fear that if Zambia’s hunger situation is not addressed and declared a national emergency, people in affected areas could starve to death.

Caritas Zambia Programs Officer Musamba Mubanga disclosed to a local radio station that the campaign has received overwhelming local response from well-wishers with some donating money and non-food items.

However, Ms. Mubanga has expressed scepticism as to whether the 12kg bag of maize meal that Government is giving to affected areas as relief food is adequate to cushion the hunger situation being experienced in the affected areas.


By Mwenya Mukuka, ZCCB Communications Officer