ETHIOPIA: Cardinal Berhaneyesus Calls Upon SIGNIS Africa To Provide Guidance to African Youth In Digital World

His Eminence Berhaneyesus Cardinal D. Souraphiel, C.M. Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa Ethiopia

His Eminence Berhaneyesus Cardinal D. Souraphiel, C.M. Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa Ethiopia has challenged Catholic Media Practitioners to provide guidance to African young people threatened by the effects of new and social media technologies.

While addressing participants of SIGNIS Africa Congress and Assembly in Addis Ababa (3rd-7th September 2019), Cardinal Berhaneyesus commended the Association for the decision to reflect on the theme The African Youth In Digital World: Promoting Creativity For Integral Development which focuses on addressing the youth regarding proper usage of the new media technologies.

“The youth all over the world are getting confused in the practice of modern innovations. Furthermore, the African youth seem very much exposed and are becoming detached from their values, cultures and traditions,” Cardinal Berhaneyesus observed.

Quoting Pope Francis’ Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit, the Cardinal reiterated that many people’s immersion in the virtual world has brought about a kind of “digital migration which involves withdrawal from families, cultural and religious values, and entrance into a world of loneliness and of self-invention, with the result that they feel rootless even while remaining physically in one place.

“I am hopeful that this congress will identify the serious challenges our African young people are facing with digital media and communication and show a way out for fruitful use of communication. The Church ought to help them; the Church ought to guide them to the right and true path,” he said.

He further indicated that there is need for Church leaders to learn and share more experiences among themselves on how to use the digital technologies to spread the Good News which is the mission of the Church.

“We African citizens of today are redeemers of Africa, and more especially you who are in the media profession are on the front line. God is calling you to use your profession to spread the Good News to the youth of Africa and help your Church to be the voice for truth, peace and justice,” he challenged the Catholic Media professionals.

His further reminded the delegates and participants of Pope Francis’s message on the occasion of 33rd World Youth day, “Dear young people, do not allow the spark of youth to be extinguished in the darkness of a closed room in which the only window to the outside world is a computer and smartphone. Open wide the doors of your life! May your time and space be filled with meaningful relationships, real people, with who to share your authentic and concrete experiences of daily life.”
