ROME: Three Archbishops From AMECEA Countries Receives Pallium
Most Rev. Philip Anyolo who is chairman of AMECEA Social Communications and Archbishop of Kisumu-Kenya, Most Rev. Gervas John Mwasikwabhila Nyaisonga who is Chairman of Tanzania Episcopal Conference and Archbishop of Mbeya-Tanzania and Most Rev. Renatus Leonard Nkwande, Metropolitan Archbishop of Mwanza-Tanzania are among the 31 archbishops who on 29th June 2019 during the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul received the Pallium from Pope Francis.

Archbishop of Kisumu-Kenya
According to the Vatican News, a pallium which is a white band made of lamb’s wool and measuring about 5 cm in width, is an insignia of the office of a metropolitan archbishop, worn over the chasuble.
During his homily on the occasion, the Holy Father Pope Francis told the archbishops that the pallium recalls the sheep that the shepherd is called to bear on his shoulders.
“It is a sign that the shepherds do not live for themselves but for the sheep. It is a sign that, in order to possess life, we have to lose it – give it away,” Pope Francis remarked.
Pope Francis invited the archbishops to ask for the grace not to be lukewarm Christians living by half measures, allowing their love to grow cold.

Archbishop of Mbeya-Tanzania
“Let us rediscover who we truly are through a daily relationship with Jesus and through the power of his forgiveness.”
In 2015, Pope Francis made changes to Pallium Investiture Ceremony, which initially were celebrated only once at the Vatican during the celebrations of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. The changes meant that the celebrations are now held twice; the first one being the blessing of the Pallium on June 29th during Mass presided by the Holy Father at the Vatican. The second celebration known as the imposition of the pallium takes place in the metropolitan archdiocese where the ceremony is to be presided by the Apostolic Nuncio.
The two celebrations are significant in that the blessing of the Pallium by the Pope at the Vatican symbolizes the communion between the Successor of Peter (Pope) and the bishops while the the imposition of the pallium at the metropolitan archbishop’s Diocese allows for the participation of the local Church as it gives the faithful and the Suffragan Dioceses the opportunity to be present in this very significant event.
The Holy Father appointed Most Rev. Anyolo to the Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu on November 15, 2018 and installed on January 12, 2019. The Suffragan Dioceses under the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kisumu include Bungoma, Eldoret, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kisii, Kitale and Lodwar.

Archbishop of Mwanza-Tanzania
Upon elevating the Diocese of Mbeya to the status of Metropolitan See, Pope Francis appointed Most Rev. Nyaisonga as the first metropolitan archbishop of Mbeya on December 21, 2018. He was installed as archbishop on April 28, 2019. The Archdiocese of Mbeya has two Suffragan Dioceses, namely Iringa and Sumbawanga.
Pope Francis appointed Most Rev. Nkwande as Archbishop of Mwanza on February 11, 2019. He was installed on May 12, 2019. The Suffragan Dioceses under the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mwanza include Bukoba, Bunda, Geita, Kayanga, Musoma, Rulenge-Ngara and Shinyanga.
The three Archdioceses of Kisumu, Mbeya and Mwanza are yet to set a date for the imposition of the pallium.
By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News