MALAWI: A Flame Of Charity, SR. Beatrice Chipeta Goes To The Father

Sister Beatrice Chipeta founder of Lusubilo Orphan Home Based Care and Village
On the morning of June 19, scores of people woke up to sad news about sudden demise of Sister Beatrice Chipeta founder of Lusubilo Orphan Home Based Care and Village. On this Wednesday, bright as it promised, the flame of Catholic charity grew weaker and weaker and went off at sunrise, at Karonga District Hospital where she was rushed.
Born in a Presbyterian family in 1942 at Echiziweni Village in Mzimba District, Sr Beatrice, was baptized into the Catholic Church on 23 September in 1958 and later joined the locally founded Congregation, Sisters of the Holy Rosary (SHR). She took her first vows on 8 December, 1962.
Sr. Beatrice trained in Primary education, qualifiedand taught for 33 years before she retired in 1993. She then went to Tanzania for a course in Counselling. In 1997 amidst the scourge of the HIV and AIDS pandemic, she set up Lusubilo Home Based Care and Village through which she gained special recognition; one of such being the Opus Prize she received in 2010.

Despite touching thousands of lives through her initiative, in many interviews and conversations, Sister Beatrice never mentioned her name but that of Christ in all the achievements.
The 77-year-old nun has been described by many as “Mother Theresa of Malawi” due to her selfless approach to charity and prayer. She served as a nun for 57 years. Until her death she has been Director of Lusubilo Home Based Orphan Care and Village in the Diocese of Karonga.
Laid to rest on Thursday, 20th of June, 2019 at Katoto Cemetery after requiem mass held at
St. Peters Cathedral in Mzuzu Diocese, Sr. Beatrice has been mourned by people from all walks of life as a woman of all people.
May her Soul rest in God’s Eternal Peace.
By Moses Kamanga