MALAWI: Pilgrims to Holy Land Urged to Pray for Mission Work

Catholic pilgrims from Malawian to the Holy Land of Israel have been implored to dedicate some time praying for mission work in the church. The pilgrims, 41 from all the eight dioceses in Malawi, left on Monday June 17.
National Director for Pontifical Mission Society (PMS) in Malawi Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa urged the pilgrims before leaving the country to reflect on the Church’s mission of evangelization and on deepening the Gospel values in their lives so Christianity can make the world a better place to live in.
“This is an extension to a call by Pope Francis during a General Assembly in Rome last month whereby he called upon all PMS directors to encourage various pilgrims and prayer groups to pray for renewal of missionary spirit in every baptized member of the Church,’’ he said.
As the Church celebrates the extraordinary Missionary month in October this year, Fr. Mwakhwawa said Pope Francis wants every baptized Christian to have a renewed commitment on mission work and use their baptismal gifts to spread the Good News.
While in Israel, the pilgrims are expected to visit a number of places highlighted in the Bible such as Mount Camel; Mount Tabor where the transfiguration of Jesus occurred; the village of Nain where Jesus raised from the dead the only son of a widow; the Synagogue where Jesus was rejected before he was crucified; and the site where Jesus multiplied 5 loaves of bread and two fish.
In addition, they will visit the Sea of Galilee and prayer at various places such as where Jesus asked Peter, one of his apostles three times if he loved Him and subsequently commanded him to feed his sheep.
Leading the pilgrimage, Fr. Joseph Kimu has urged the pilgrims to focus on the spiritual purpose of the journey as a mark of their love for God and Christianity so that they give witness to the world that Jesus Christ is the Lord.
“Investing in one’s spiritual life is more important than investing in material or earthly things. I thank each one of you for the sacrifice you have made in saving money for the pilgrimage of this year,” said Fr. Kimu.
The pilgrims are expected return to Malawi on 23rd June.
By Pilirani Tambala