KENYA: Create Awareness On the Plight of Refugees, Says KCCB General Secretary as AMECEA Secretary General Prays for Peace in The Region

Rev. Fr. Anthony Makunde, Secretary General AMECEA
The General Secretary of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Rono has called on Christian faithful to create awareness on the plight of refugees to help those fleeing from their countries to receive emotional, psychological and financial support.
In his homily during celebrations to mark the solemnity of the Holy Trinity and World Day of Refugees at Divine Word Parish in Nairobi, Fr. Rono said it is a global responsibility to promote a cohesive society, peaceful coexistence and to support refugees due to their vulnerability.
“Refugees are vulnerable and in need,” said Fr. Rono. “They are often misunderstood and maligned, and usually have very little or no possessions of their own, including food. They suffer cold, hunger, trauma, despair, disease, violence and loss and therefore, it is important to create awareness so as to help the public understand refugees and support them.”
Fr. Rono also prayed for organizations and groups like the United Nations (UN) and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) that are granted with responsibility to work with refugees to discharge their duties faithfully with commitment and dedication. He urged people of good will to be ready to support these organizations financially when requested.
He said it is unfortunate that some people create conflict and cause other people to leave their homes, ending up scattered all over the world. He called for internal integration, compassion and tolerance, adding that Pope Francis refers to the world as a workshop of peace, where people interact peacefully, putting aside their differences.
Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Makunde, has expressed gratitude to Kenya Government for opening her doors to refugees, saying it has set a good example to other countries. He also paid tribute to organizations and individuals giving service to refugees and prayed for a peaceful country, continent and world.
“I appeal and pray for peace in the continent; peace in our countries, family and society,” said Fr. Makunde during the celebrations at Divine Word Parish.
“Continue to join hands with the bishops in warring countries to find room and space to accommodate others. I pray for all those working with refugees and ask that they live in peace without considering tribe. We have a responsibility to pray for peace.”
Fr. Makunde said he has been to some of the countries where the refugees hosted in Kenya are originating from and witnessed how beautiful and rich those countries are, yet he could not understand why people could not coexist peacefully with one another.
“I have been to Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)” he said. “These are beautiful countries, blessed with plenty – almost everything, including good weather.”
World Refugee Day 2019 was marked on June 20th. This is an annual event, held on the same date each year in order to raise awareness on a global responsibility for refugees. This was the 19th year of the event organized by the United Nations Refugee Agency to state that the world supports and stands with refugees.
Kenya hosts refugees from South Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, DRC, Uganda and Eritrea.
By Rose Achiego, KCCB