KENYA: Bishop Muhatia Calls For Unity Among Different Ethnic Groups

Rt Rev. Maurice Muhatia
Bishop of the Diocese of Nakuru Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia has called on the faithful to be united despite their ethnic groups or geographical locations.
In his Homily to mark the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity and 50-year celebration of St. Charles Lwanga Parish Njoro, Bishop Muhatia said God is a source of unity and therefore Christians should mirror that in society.
He said that the Sign of the Cross reminds the faithful of the Holy Trinity that identifies them as Christians.
The Prelate encouraged the faithful to pray for peace and reconciliation; the clergy, Religious men and women and for priestly and marriage vocations in the parish and diocese at large.
“May the Holy Spirit enable us to build God’s Kingdom and reach out to all especially the needy; make us instruments of justice and peace and reconciliation; send more labourers into the vineyard to continue spreading good news to all. Renewed in faith and service, and through the intercession of St Charles Lwanga our patron saint and our Blessed Virgin Mary, may our lives bear fruit that will bring us to your eternal kingdom,” Bishop Muhatia prayed.
Celebrating the Parish’s Golden Jubilee, Bishop Muhatia thanked God for the graces bestowed upon the Christians for the past 50 years, for the pioneer missionaries who evangelized the parish, and for the entire Catholic Diocese of Nakuru.
“We rejoice for the vocations of the clergy, Religious men and women and the lay faithful committed to the service of the Church and humanity,” he said.
St Charles Lwanga Catholic Parish Njoro was established in 1969 under the patronage of St Charles Lwanga one of the 22 martyrs of Uganda. Saint Patricks Missionaries commonly known as ‘Kiltegan Fathers’ were very instrumental in the establishment and development of the parish. Currently the parish has ten outstations and within the 50 years three other parishes were born out of it, namely St Joseph Larmudiac, St Augustine Chaplaincy Egerton University and St Francis Lare.
Before the celebration of the Holy Eucharist that was concelebrated by the priests from Njoro Deanery, Bishop Muhatia administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to the newly baptized from the parish and blessed a newly constructed priests’ house.
By Sister Michelle Njeri – Diocese of Nakuru