ETHIOPIA: Foundation of New Catholic Monastery Uplifts The faithful

The Holy Trinity Abune Biruk Monastery has been officially opened and the foundation stone has been laid for the construction of the very first Catholic Church in Holeta, 45Km away from the capital of Ethiopia Addis Ababa on 28th of May, 2019.
The Congregation of Holy Trinity Abune Biruk was founded in Ethiopia 4 years ago with tremendous commitment and effort of Emahoy Haregeweine who is also celebrating 25th the Silver Jubilee of her vocation as a nun.
In the homily during Eucharistic Celebration H.E Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel, CM mentioned and appreciated the commitment of all who were engaged in the progress of founding the Monastery. He pointed out that the Monastery is not only a sign of expansion of the Catholic Church but also development of the country.
The founder of the congregation in Ethiopia, Emahoy Haregeweine, gave her deepest gratitude to H.E Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel, CM, Priests, Sisters and all Faithful for being part of the joyful opening ceremony. She was also thankful to all who contributed in introducing the Holy Trinity Abune Biruk Congregation in Ethiopia.
The monastery is expected to be a Meditation Centre for all faithful. The coordinator invites all for their prayerful support and requested everyone all to be engaged in supporting the congregation.
By Bezawit Assefa, Ethiopia Catholic Secretariat