KENYA: Religious Women Challenged To Share Stories About Their Mission Through Mass Media

Sr. Eneless ChimbaliA CWECA Secretary General

The Secretary of Association of Consecrated women in East and Central Africa (ACWECA) Sister Eneless Chimbali has urged Religious Women in the region to use media in sharing stories about their mission with the world, arguing that they are serving a digital generation which is constantly searching for inspirational news.

Sr Chimbali said this recent during a three-day training of journalists from the AMECEA Region which was held from 24-28th March in Nairobi Kenya.

This training included Sisters from all AMECEA Conferences so that they acquire skills on news reporting, photography and creating video clips for use on social networks like YouTube, blog, website etc.

“After acquiring this knowledge, they will be able to meet our goal as ACWECA and that of AMECEA to tell the world about our missionary activities and values to the society. We promise, as ACWECA, that we shall be sharing our information with Conferences and AMECEA Social Communication department and the world,” she said.

She said that it is time sisters begin to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to connect themselves with the world because they are serving the Church in a digital world, otherwise they will be disconnected from the society.

She further said there is lack of stories about Religious women in Catholic media both mainstream and social media, adding that the sisters themselves should begin to use the mass media in order to share with the world the positive humanitarian stories that Religious women in Africa are doing.

“I urge the Superiors Generals of various Congregations in our zone, the Association of Sisters in each country member of ACWECA to build a good relationship with the media,” she said.

The ACWECA Communication Coordinator, Sister Grace Candiru, said that often sisters are afraid to use the media to highlight their mission in the society and this isolates them from the world.

“It is time we change our mind-set. The digital world wants to see the impact of the Sisters’ work in the society. So there is a need of using media to share our activities,” she said.

She was impressed with the AMECEA Social Communications Department’s decision to include the nuns in the workshop so that they acquire knowledge on news reporting and be able to write news about Sister’s mission from their own perspective.


By Sarah Pelaji,