MALAWI: Catholic Women’s Organization Launches Strategic Plan

CWO Members with Chaplains

Catholic Women’s Organization (CWO) on Saturday launched a five-year strategic plan that seeks members’ commitment towards improving the welfare of the underprivileged and fight the injustices that the poor are facing in the country.

The plan further seeks to enable Catholic women in Malawi to deepen their faith and spiritual knowledge to become missionary disciples of Jesus Christ and stewards of God’s creation.

The outgoing CWO Chairperson, Dr. Elizabeth Meke, said in an interview that the Strategic Plan provides direction towards achieving their mission of promoting the presence, participation and co-responsibility of Catholic women in the Church and society, in order to enable them fulfill their mission of evangelization and to work for human development.

“This strategic plan will build our capacity as Catholic women to deal with contemporary challenges we are facing and foster awareness and respect of cultural diversity. The plan provides a number of strategies we must also follow to deepen our faith,” said Dr. Meke.

The coordinator Handing over the strategic plan book
The coordinator Handing over the strategic plan book

The National Lay Apostolate Coordinator, Father Vincent Mwakhwawa, challenged the Catholic women to cooperate and ensure they live by the main pillars of the strategic plan in order to enhance their role in promoting the spiritual, economic and social life, including the right to actively participate in politics.

“Women in Malawi are key agents of the mission. They are a well organized lay apostolate group and they reach out to the grassroots level of the Church. I encourage them to be focused and to always seek guidance on how best to implement the new strategic plan,” Said Fr. Mwakhwawa.


By: Watipaso Mzungu