ETHIOPIA: Eritrean Church delegates visit Ethiopian Church for First Time

Most Rev. Mengisteab, Archbishop of Asmara and President of the Eritrean Catholic Bishops’ Conference, paid a courtesy visit to the Ethiopian Catholic Church on February 12 2019

A delegation of the Eritrean Catholic Church led by Most Rev. Mengisteab, Archbishop of Asmara and President of the Eritrean Catholic Bishops’ Conference, paid a courtesy visit to the Ethiopian Catholic Church on February 12, 2019.

The delegates were met by His Eminence Cardinal Berhaneyesus CM, Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa and President of CBCE; Bishop Mussie, Eparch of Emdibir Gebreghiorgis; Bishop Angelo Pagano, Apostolic Vicar of Harar; Rev. Fr. Hagos Hayish, CM, ECS Secretary General; and others.

During the visit, the Cardinal recalled that the Catholic Church had been a bridge for the people of both countries during the time of war. They all thanked God for answering the prayers of his people for peace and called upon all the Catholic faithful to continue praying for their countries, asking God to make them instruments of peace.

As a priest, Archbishop Mengisteab served as a Pastoral agent in different parts of Ethiopia for years including teaching Theology at the Capuchin Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Addis Ababa.


By Makeda Yohannes, ECS Communications Coordinator