MALAWI: Blantyre Archdiocese Launches Strategic Plan

Most Rev. Thomas Luke Msusa, Archbishop of Blantyre has launched a strategic plan that will guide the Archdiocese in the next five years. Speaking during the launch, Archbishop Msusa explained the importance of the Archdiocese to have a five-year plan (2019- to 2023).

“As the oldest and probably the biggest Archdiocese in Malawi, we ought to have something that guides us. We need to define our pathway for change,” Archbishop Msusa said, emphasizing that the Strategic Plan aims at giving the Archdiocese a sense of pastoral direction.

“We know where we are coming from; we know the present opportunities and challenges. With this Strategic plan, we have now decided what path to follow to achieve the future of the Archdiocese we desire,” the Archbishop expressed.

He further urged Catholic Christians in Blantyre to work together to so as to ensure successful implementation of the Strategic plan.

Meanwhile, leaders from the Archdiocese of Blantyre expressed gratitude to the technical team led by the Vicar General Father Boniface Tamani, which spearheaded the process.

Under the pastoral directorate, the Archdiocese of Blantyre seeks to deepen among the clergy, religious and laity the understanding of Catholic faith and doctrine, the values and Catholic Social Teaching (CST), using innovative approaches at all levels by 2023.

The Strategic plan is also to help in preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony as a way of reducing high rate of divorce.

As a way to contribute towards the social directorate, the Strategic plan also seeks to improve the political and social economic status of Church members and the society at large, through overseeing and coordinating the provision of comprehensive health services in the Archdiocese’s health facilities and learning institutions.

In line with strategic plan issues, the Archdiocese of Blantyre also unveil its website (


By Luke Bisani, Communications Department, Archdiocese of Blantyre