AMECEA: Secretary General Urges for Togetherness among Secretariat Staff

AMECEA Secretary General Rev. Fr. Anthony Makunde has challenged AMECEA Secretariat Staff to cultivate the spirit of working closely with each other and supporting one another for fulfilment of their mandate to the region.

Speaking during the Secretariat’s annual planning meeting which was held at St. Mary’s Pastoral Centre in Nakuru Diocese, Kenya, Fr. Makunde called for commitment and dedication among the Secretariat staff members.

“Ours is a small group but we stand for a much bigger group. Ours is a small Secretariat compared to the secretariats of Member Episcopal Conferences but we represent and work, plan and act for many,” Fr. Makunde said.

He urged the staff to not limit their planning scope within the boundaries of the Secretariat in Nairobi but to think of all the Member Episcopal Conferences who await AMECEA Secretariat’s support, advice, coordination and collaboration.

“AMECEA Conferences have more challenges than we may be thinking. We must therefore be cognisant that we are not here to plan for us present here and our colleagues whom we have left back at the Secretariat office in Nairobi; rather, we are planning for a bigger entity. Therefore, we need to offer our commitment for the common good of all the Member Episcopal Conferences.”

“Some of us have been entrusted with bigger responsibilities of foresight or supervision, others have been entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating, and others of supporting. No one is small among us, regardless of our positions. Each and everyone needs the other because we are one in the same mission.”

AMECEA Secretariat Staff Members with Bishop Maurice Muhatia of  Nakuru Diocese during the Secretariat Staff Annual Planning  Meeting held in Nakuru
AMECEA Secretariat Staff Members with Bishop Maurice Muhatia of
Nakuru Diocese during the Secretariat Staff Annual Planning
Meeting held in Nakuru

Fr. Makunde further explained that the planning for 2019 already has the agenda in the form the Resolutions ofthe AMECEA 19th Plenary assembly. The Secretariat Staff are expected to make their plans for implementation in view of fulfilling the Bishops’ resolutions and expectations.

“We need to put these resolutions into goals, which later on will be measured by our decision making body, the Executive Board, when we give them report. We therefore need to set targets, based on what was achieved previously so that it becomes the basis of our working towards achieving more.”

He discouraged the tendency of saying this is not my work as such attitude is often lethal to the goals that are meant to be achieved. He emphasized collaboration and brotherliness among Secretariat staff as they execute their duties.
