TANZANIA: Good Governance in Church affects lives of people-says TEC President

“People should meet Christ through Church Administration because the system and mission of the Church are based on God’s will. This is what we call the best leadership in the Church, that which guarantees the life and mission of Christ. “

The President of Tanzania Episcopal Conference Tanzania (TEC), Archbishop-elect Gervas Nyaisonga said this in his opening remarks during the training of Catholic Bishops of Tanzania on ‘Capacity building on Institutional Governance, Management and Leadership; Sustainability; Catholic Solidarity, Philanthropy and Stewardship’.

The five days’ workshop was organized by AMECEA in collaboration with Missio Aachen-Germany and Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) from 14 – 19th, January, 2019 at Kurasini Conference and Training Centre in Dar es Salaam.

In His opening remarks the TEC President thanked AMECEA Secretariat and Missio Aachen who accepted to collaborate with TEC in order to build the capacity of the Catholic Bishops of Tanzania.

“Welcome to you dear Bishops and all who are involved in organizing and conducting this workshop. Church administration is connected to pastoral, which is associated with the Gospel, so we need skills to manage the resources. People should encounter Christ through Church administration; this is what we call good governance,” he said.

He further explained that good Church administration makes for a peaceful ecclesial community and that peace enables the church to witness to the Gospel more effectively; and that the Canon law is the foundation for Church administration, but there are requirements in the Corporate and State laws that demand the Church to comply with.

TEC2He further stated that the Church is a communion of the people of God – people who appreciate and practice communion of God with fellow human beings.

“In the Church we build on relationships: relationships within the Trinity, relationships of the baptized with the Triune God, and relationships among the baptized themselves,” he continued.

“Because the Church’s Structure and Mission flow from the divine will, She therefore participates in the life and mission of Christ. Therefore, the Church is about the people of God; and the structures of the Church must guarantee order and service to humanity.”


Sarah Pelaji, Dar es Salaam