MALAWI: Catholic women to be drilled in vocational skills

Blantyre Archbishop Msusa

Catholic women in the Archdiocese of Blantyre are set to be drilled in vocational skills as a way of ensuring economic empowerment. This follows a two-year partnership that Catholic Women Organization (CWO) in Malawi has signed with Technical Entrepreneurial and Vocation Education and Training (TEVET) to train women with various skills that are to uplift their livelihood.

Speaking at the launch of the partnership at Limbe Cathedral Hall on Wednesday, Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa of Archdiocese of Blantyre commended TEVET for complementing their efforts of supporting women in the Catholic Church.

“This is very important because we know that once these women are trained, they will develop their families and villages, wherever they are coming from, and that will help the Church but also the whole nation” said Msusa.

The Archbishop further commended other local companies and organizations for coming forth to partner with the Church in empowering women in the country.

Concurring with the Archbishop, TEVET Service Centre Manager for the Southern region of Malawi, Mr Elliot Mulanje, said the vocational trainings are to improve the livelihood of women and contribute to job creation in the country.

“The skills that we are going to give these women are based on the demand within their localities so that they are able to maximize profits,” said Mulanje.

CWO Chairlady in the Archdiocese of Blantyre Lucy Vokhiwa said the vocational trainings will opening doors for the Catholic women.

“After the trainings we will look for partners who are to help capital for these women to start businesses that are relevant with the skills they will acquire,” said Vokhiwa.

Vokhiwa further explained that the trainings are to be conducted in various parishes in the Archdiocese of Blantyre as a way of ensuring that more women have benefited from the partnership.

The women are to be trained in tailoring, designing and food production, just to mention some.

TEVET is also to train women in the dioceses of Chikwawa, Zomba and Mangochi in the country.


By Luke Bisani, Communications Department – Archdiocese of Blantyre.