KENYA: Cardinal Njue Challenges University Students to be Instruments of Unity

Cardinal Njue delivering his Homily at KU

His Eminence John Cardinal Njue has called upon university students and young people in general to be champions of unity wherever they are. He was speaking at Kenyatta University in Nairobi on Sunday, January 20 when he led the Eucharistic celebrations in promotion for the cause of Beatification of the Servant of God, Maurice Michael Cardinal Otunga.

Students from nine Universities in Nairobi congregated at the institution’s amphitheatre in a colourful celebration which was also attended by members of the Central Committee for the Beatification of Cardinal Otunga, the Vice Chancellor of Kenyatta University Prof. Paul Wainaina, Kenyatta University Board of Directors as well as members of the public.

“Be instruments of unity. It is not so important where we come from but rather that we are all created in the image of God. Let us not waste our time focusing on our differences but rather on the values and dignity of each one of us as equal sons and daughters of God,” Cardinal Njue said in his homily.

He further challenged the young people not to get preoccupied with things that are contrary to their identity. “Good is to be done and evil is to be avoided. I therefore encourage you my dear young people to use this period of discernment to make most of it, so that when your time comes, you will be able to pick the right gift for which the Lord has preserved for you.”

Cardinal Njue who is the Archbishop of Nairobi urged the young people to take responsibility for their actions and make a difference in the society. “You are not in this world by chance. You are here because God sent you to do something in service of him and it is when you do that which the Lord wants that you will be able to find real fulfilment and real joy.”

He cautioned the youth never to give in to despair and lose hope along the way, but rather, to work hard towards realizing their purpose in life as ordained by God. “You have been given an opportunity from when you were born, sent to primary school, secondary school and now you are here at the university. Remember that gifts come from above; they come in pieces and when they land, each one picks what belongs to them. Woe to you if you pick that which is not yours. It requires discipline, hard work and prayer to be able to make the right decisions in life.”

Cardinal Njue implored the young people to remain close to God in his Word, in Prayer and in the Sacraments that have been made available to them.

The nine universities were represented by both students and chaplains at the Eucharistic Celebrations. They included Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA); The University of Nairobi; Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT); Multi Media University (MMU); Technical University of Kenya (TUK); Mount Kenya University (MKU); Cooperative University; Marist International University; and Kenyatta University which was the host.


By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News