AMECEA: Young People from AMECEA Region well represented at World Youth Day

Young people from AMECEA countries are among thousands of the youth who have joined the Holy Father Pope Francis in Panama to celebrate the World Youth Day 2019. Six out of eight Bishops Conferences of AMECEA managed to send their youth who were accompanied by bishops, priests and Religious men and women. The six Conferences include Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia.

Tanzania, which is the biggest Conference in AMECEA Region is leading in terms of participants who have travelled to Panama. According Rt. Rev. Eusebius Alfred Nzigilwa, Auxiliary Bishop of Da-Es-Salaam, about 40 participants from Tanzania are currently in Panama. They are accompanied by Rt. Rev. Desiderius M. Rwoma, Chairman of Lay Apostolate Department which is under Pastoral Directorate of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC). Together with him is Bishop Nzigilwa and Rev. Fr. Liberatus Kadio who is former national youth coordinator at TEC.

ZCCB Youth Delegates to WYD
ZCCB Youth Delegates to WYD

Zambia has sent 36 young people who are accompanied by Rev. Fr. Chris Kunda, SDB, a Salesian Youth Delegate and Sr. Chanda Nsofwa, Zambia Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ZCCB) Youth Coordinator.

According to Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) National Pastoral Coordinator Rev. Fr. John Baptist Kaganda, the delegation from the Conference is about 20 people accompanied by the Archbishop of Kampala Most Rev. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, Rt. Rev. Paul Ssemogerere, Bishop of Kasana-Luwero who is chairman of the Laity Commission and Rev. Fr. Ben Mogerwa, the National Youth Chaplain.

From Kenya, a delegation of 14 youth accompanied by Most Rev. Anthony Muheria, Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Chairman of Commission for Pastoral and Lay Apostolate together with the National Youth Chaplain Rev. Fr. Cosmas Mwova have travelled to Panama.

Ethiopia has sent six young people to the celebrations and they are accompanied by Rev. Fr. Teshome Fikre Woldetensae who is the Pastoral Coordinator at Ethiopia Catholic Secretariat and Deputy Secretary General to the Bishops’ Conference.

Malawi Conference has sent four delegates who are accompanied by Rt. Rev. Montfort Stima, the Vice Chairman for Episcopal Conference of Malawi Pastoral Commission. They were joined by Alleluya Band, a youth group comprising of ten musicians from Andiamo Cooperative in the same country, which is also participating in the World Youth Day activities.


By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News