TANZANIA: ‘Homosexuality is grotesque practice; we must oppose it’ Tanzania Religious Leaders

Marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Human Rights Declaration the Tanzania Interfaith Standing Committee which comprises of Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC), The Islamic Conference of Tanzania (BAKWATA) and the Christian Community of Tanzania (CCT), has declared gay “marriage” as against the grain of human history and human nature.
Giving out his presentation the TEC Secretary General Fr Dr. Charles Kitima said that in all societies human rights issues exist mainly in the traditions and customs. However, the controversy over gay “marriage” is increasingly becoming a defining struggle in the cultural wars of our times.
“The Sacred Scriptures recognize for example, the right of a man or woman to have a family, and to get married to the opposite sex. That’s why we don’t accept homosexuality. Marriage is the platform for promotion of human dignity. How can we accept a kind of marriage which is not open to procreation? “He asked.
On his side member of BAKWATA, Sheikh Issa Athuman Issa said that the human body is a gift from God and that human rights should therefore be observed with a spiritual perspective.
He also added that religious leaders should ensure that young men and women recognize their cultural and religious values. “Let us educate our children to realize that we have values,” he said.
Commenting on the anniversary, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Mbinga Rt. Rev. John Ndimbo said that the human rights resolution also make it possible for various religious leaders to sit together and evaluate strategies that would enable them to protect and defend human rights.
Another member of BAKWATA, Sheikh Hamis Mtupa, has noted that homosexual practices should not be allowed to prevail because they are unacceptable to God and even to the local community.
“There are other things that are said to be human rights but in reality they are the rights to disrupt human dignity. Same sex relations are immoral. We should get rid of these acts as they hurt God,” he said categorically.
Pascal Mwanache, TEC