KENYA: ASEC Applauds Hilton Foundation for supporting Capacity Building of Sisters

The African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) Regional Director for East Africa Sr. Lina Wanjiku, has applauded the continue support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s Catholic Sisters Initiative to the Sisters Leadership Development Program, an initiative that has seen Religious Sisters from various Congregations across Africa acquire knowledge on Administration and Financial Management.
Speaking at the Fourth Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) Program graduation in Nairobi on December 10, where 107 Sisters received certificates in administration and financial management, Sr. Wanjiku said that the persistent generosity of their donor, Conrad Hilton Foundation has ensured a constant flow of young enthusiastic and active sisters joining the SLDI programs after every three years.
“Hilton Foundation through their clear vision and unwavering faith in the potential of Sisters has annually renewed their commitment and funding to help change the face of this continent,” Sr. Wanjiku expressed.
She further indicated that the Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) program has enabled the Sisters to maximize the use of scarce local resources with the financial and administrative skills acquired; the beneficiaries have been able to build their self-esteem and confidence in providing leadership with a difference in their locality.
“The graduates of this program have therefore turned to be result-oriented individuals who are set to change the face of their communities in which they live and more so provide sustainability to their Congregations,” Sr. Wanjiku expressed while notifying those who graduated that they too are expected to be result oriented people as they go out to serve and give back to their Congregation and the community.
Speaking at the same function Rev. Prof. Stephen Mbugua, Vice Chancellor of CUEA who represented ASEC Partner Universities in Kenya, told the graduating students that no doubt that ASEC has prepared them for transformation through the various courses they have studied in administration and finance.
“The education that ASEC has offered you through the SLDI program with support from Conrad Hilton Foundation has changed you completely especially in your regard to character. You are now a new being, a transformed Sister, a transformed leader, a transformed agent of change. My challenge is, do not keep the skills and the attitude that you have achieved to yourself but rather move and change others as well, be the candle that lights up the universe,” Prof. Mbugua advised.
He also challenged the Sisters to each take up “what we call the 21/90 principle which means 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to form a lifestyle” saying if each one of them make use of the 21/90 principle it can only be imagined the transformation that will be realized in the convents, Religious Congregations, educational institutions, churches and the world over.
The three ASEC Partner Universities in Kenya include CUEA, Tangaza University College which is a Constituent College of CUEA and the Institute for Catechetical and Pastoral Ministry (ICAPAMI), an Affiliate College.
“Give back to the institutions that have been instrumental in preparing you to be who you are. Give back to your Congregations, give back ASEC and give back to the Conrad Hilton Foundation. I am not asking for monetary input as it is most often thought off, but rather I seek your commitment in upholding and growing what these institutions stand for,” Prof. Mbugua further urged the sisters.
To the Conrad Hilton Foundation, Fr. Mbugua said, “You have actively transformed the Sisters and their mission through the educational and transformational support that you provide them. We can only assure you of our prayers and promise that we shall indeed use your gracious support to meet the vision and mission of the foundation.”
The CUEA Vice Chancellor reiterate that Conrad Hilton Foundation has done so much to improve the lives of the vulnerable people in the world through this foundation that assists Sisters and he think that his impact is so great. He expressed his wish to call on the Foundation to start with haste the canonization of Conrad N. Hilton.
“There is no doubt we should now go to our lay faithful who have done remarkable work, love beyond reproach to the world and they should be in the book of the saints,” Fr. Mbugua said.
By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News