TANZANIA: Pope Francis Delegates Cardinal Njue to represent him at 150 Jubilee of Evangelization in Tanzania

H.E. John Cardinal Njue, Papal Representative to Tanzania's 150 Jubilee of Church's Catholic Evangelization
Pope Francis has appointed Kenya’s Cardinal John Njue to represent him at the climax of the 150th jubilee of the Church’s evangelism in Tanzania.
The Secretary General of Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC), Fr. Charles Kitima said that TEC confirms the information from Vatican that Cardinal Njue, who is the Archbishop of Nairobi Archdiocese, will represent Pope Francis at the celebration that will take place from November 2nd – 4th this year at Bagamoyo, the door of Faith in East Africa.
He also said that the celebrations will be attended by senior Government officials and religious leaders (interfaith) while thousands are expected to attend. The Chairman of the Committee of the Jubilee Bishop Euzebius Nzigilwa in the recent committee meeting insisted that Catholics in Tanzania continue register themselves to participate the celebration. The end of the registration is October 30th this year.
According to Fr. Charles Kitima, the preparation is in final touches and the schedule of the three days includes the Opening Mass on November 2 this year where the church in Tanzania will pray for the departed souls especially the souls of missionaries who brought the Gospel in Tanzania and Africa. It is a day of commemoration and prayer for all the late missionaries who sacrificed their lives to announce and witness the Gospel in Tanzania and various parts East Africa.
He also said that November 3 is a special Mass of the Virgin Mary, Star of Evangelism in Tanzania while November 4 is the climax of 150th Jubilee of evangelization in Tanzania which is celebrated under the slogan: ‘150 Years of Evangelism; the joy of the Gospel.’
The Bishop of Geita Diocese Flavian Kassala also explained that November 3rd will be a Day of Repentance and Internal Conversion to realize that Jubilee is a time to thank God for his graces and blessings; a time to pray for God’s forgiveness and the forgiveness of one another; and ultimately to ask again for the blessings and graces to face the future with faith, hope and love. It is a day to look at the opportunities, challenges and expectations of God’s people in Tanzania in the near future, guided by Saint Pope Paul VI’s Letter “Africae Terrarum” which was published on Oct. 29 in 1967.
The Letter says that the wealth, deposit, and legacy of the traditions from Africa are in line with the process of religious discussion to build and maintain the principles of justice, peace and reconciliation amongst people. Saint Paul VI, highlights unity and solidarity as a basis for sustainable development in Africa. It also recognizes that the continent has been blessed to have the foundations for family, spiritual and social life. The Continent has values that should be developed to combat discrimination, ethnicity, religious conflicts, war and strife. In this letter, he discusses sustainable development; respect for human rights; eradication of ignorance, poverty and disease!
In this letter, St. Paul VI also expressed the hope of the African continent when many countries were gaining independence; the obstacles and thresholds in front of them. He argued that the State and people’s right to property are fundamental to social welfare, development and the benefit of many. He thus urged the Church to concentrate on the integral care for God’s people as part of the extensive evangelization which addresses both the spiritual and physical needs of a human being.
Sarah Pelaji, TEC