ROME: Internal Youth Migration a Greater African Tragedy Than Reported, says Cardinal Berhaneyesus

H.E. Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa has said that the international media portrayal of youth migrating to different areas of the Middle East and Europe only counts for 20%, while the 80%, which is the great migration and displacement of the youth, is within Africa.
He disclosed this while giving his presentation at the Bishops’ Synod on the Youth, arguing that the reason for migration is lack of governance and due to factors such as corruption, conflicts, civil war and liberation movements supporting this or that side. This is coupled with the fact that “… the great trade in the world, the arms trade, is really big business in Africa whereby arms are coming from Europe, America, China, and some of developing countries.”

youth migration at the Synod in Rome
“If you look at the Somali coast, it’s a big coast. Through that coast comes various arms, which are introduced to Eastern Ethiopia, Northern Kenya, Northern Uganda, South Sudan and the Congo – all the places where there is a lot of unrest and civil conflict,” Cardinal Berhaneyesus said adding that unfortunately nobody speaks about it.
“Sometimes the Holy See speaks at the United Nations about it, and some countries speak about it, but since it
is big business and many are involved in it, the issue is not addressed. Many young migrants die because they get employed as child soldiers, using modern and more sophisticated weapons like Kalashnikovs or landmines,” this he said is the big tragedy of youth migrating in Africa who are displaced within Africa.
He further explained that though a poor country, Ethiopia has nearly one million refugees. After Uganda, it is the second country hosting the biggest number of refugees from South Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea. He expressed sadness that some European countries are closing their borders to keep off needy people who are escaping poverty, war and conflict from their home countries and posed the questions: ‘Where are the Christian roots of Europe? Is not Europe a continent of Christian countries which confessed Christian, biblical values?’
The Synod Fathers are currently examining and debating the ‘Final Document’ of the Youth Synod, tabling amendments and propositions (modi) to the draft which will be voted on, paragraph by paragraph, on Saturday, 27 October. The draft consists of 173 paragraphs and covers topics ranging from accompaniment and discernment to synodality and formation. The most significant element to the final document is that it will be the first of its kind to have the weight of the papal magisterium — a crucial move towards decentralization, which significantly places more power into the hands of the bishops. The approved text of the ‘Final Document’ is expected to be made public on Saturday evening.