MALAWI: Catholics Urged to be Cheerful Givers

Rt. Rev. Montfort Stima, Bishop of Mangochi giving his speech during Eucharistic Celebrations on World Mission Sunday
His Lordship Montfort Stima has urged the Catholic faithful in Malawi to be cheerful givers no matter how little their offering might seem because any donation to the Church contributes to the total collections that help in the mission of spreading the Gospel to the whole world.
The Bishop of Mangochi said this during a Eucharistic celebration of the World Mission Sunday national celebrations at Mpiri parish in the diocese.
He said the Mission Sunday is a reminder that all Christians are mandated to share their faith with other people who have not received the Gospel due to different reasons such as war and atheism.
“This day teaches all the baptized that they have the duty to share the faith they received with others. This is done through praying for non-believers so that they may be saved; donating for the mission work of the Church; and doing charity services.”
Bishop Stima then challenged Catholics in the Diocese and the faithful in general, especially the youths, to never hoard whatever they have because it is small; rather they should give whole heartedly whatever they have and God will multiply.
“Mission Month contributions are sent to the Holy Father and they are used to spread the Good News to the whole world. We too ask from the Holy Father for some financial assistance from the same mission collections when we have projects such as building new churches, schools, hospitals and houses for priests and sisters. Therefore, do not hoard; give generously for the benefit of the whole Church,” said the Bishop.
The bishop thanked people of Mpiri parish for giving more than expected, saying that such kind of giving should continue in the parishes, and not only on Mission Sunday, so that parish development plans may not suffer. He encouraged the youth to be active in Church activities for the Church has confidence in them.
“It has been said that the youths are leaders of tomorrow, but today the Church is encouraging the youths to start serving in God’s family while they are young. This is why there is Holy Childhood and various youth groups in the Church that encourage your participation,” said Bishop Stima.
On his part, the Pontifical Missionary Society (PMS) National director Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa encouraged the youth to develop the spirit of prayer, to utilize this Month of the Holy Rosary by praying the Mission Rosary. He then explained the meaning of each colour on the Mission Rosary so that the youth may understand and use it properly.
“World Mission Sunday and the whole mission month teaches and reminds all baptized Catholics of their role of praying for the work of evangelization of the church in the whole world, give money to be used in the work of evangelization and also doing charity work. I urge you to pray the rosary always as it will make you reach to those you can’t reach to physically in the whole world.”
Organized by the Society of the Propagation of Faith, one society of the Pontifical Mission Societies, World Mission Sunday celebrates the feast of Catholicity and universal solidarity. This day and the whole Mission Month encourage Christians to play their baptismal role of praying, serving and giving money for the missionary work of proclaiming the gospel to the whole world.
This year’s Mission Sunday was celebrated under the theme “Together with young people, let us bring the Gospel to all”.
By: Stella Zulu