AMECEA: You are Key Marketers of Bakanja College; AMECEA Secretary General Tells Seminarians

Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Makunde, Sec General AMECEA

The seminarians and alumni of Blessed AMECEA Bakanja College are the marketers of the institution through their behaviours and quality of service, says Very Rev. Father Anthony Makunde, Secretary General of AMECEA.

He was speaking at the commissioning of new students’ leadership for the year 2018-2019 on Sunday, October 14, 2018. Fr. Makunde said Bakanja College does not need any marketing strategist to make it grow to its full capacity and argued that the seminarians at AMECEA Blessed Bakanja College are privileged to have the opportunity to study at such blessed and renown institutions such as the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Tangaza University College and the Consolata Philosophicum, and that such opportunities must not be taken for granted.

“The Conferences in AMECEA region have got seminaries and sometimes they are not even full to their capacity but still the Bishops decide to send some of their seminarians to come here to join fellow seminarians from other countries so that they may grow together, learn together, bring their minds together, and perhaps bring forth something new that can continue influencing the way we are evangelizing. This for me is a great privilege,” Fr. Makunde said.

Reminding the Seminarians that such opportunities never come twice, he appealed to them to make use of it properly so that at the end of their time at Bakanja they will be role models.

From Left: Rev. Fr. Peter Moudie, Rector of Blessed Bakanja AMECEA College; Rt. Rev. Charles Kasonde, Chairman of AMECEA;Very Rev. Anthony Makunde  Secretary General of AMECEAduring the Eucharistic Celebrations at the institution
From Left: Rev. Fr. Peter Moudie, Rector of Blessed Bakanja AMECEA College;
Rt. Rev. Charles Kasonde, Chairman of AMECEA;Very Rev. Anthony Makunde
Secretary General of AMECEAduring the Eucharistic Celebrations at the institution

“The true marketing officers of AMECEA Blessed Bakanja College are you guys, we don’t need a graduate from any other University to come and do a marketing plan for Blessed Bakanja. You are the ones to tell the Bishops and other institutions out there that ‘We are the products of that Seminary, send some more seminarians to Blessed Bakanja Seminary’.”

Fr. Makunde intimated that the 19th AMECEA Plenary call for a thorough research on issues of inculturation and that this has been a task left to AMECEA Pastoral Institute Gaba but also to CUEA. However, he is convinced that the AMECEA Blessed Bakanja College also has the right people for the implementation of this particular resolution.

“As people coming from different cultural backgrounds, we want to bring the Gospel into our cultures, moving forward from where we are now, going into a further step as far as the Church in the Region is concerned. I think you can implement that resolution very easily,” he said adding that AMECEA Secretariat shall continue working together with the Rector of Bakanja to see how this can easily be approached.

“I pledge my humble cooperation with the rector of the Seminary and the entire staff of Bakanja so that together we may venture on implementing the vision of the pioneers of AMECEA and the resolutions of different Plenary Assemblies, and also what the Mother Church tells us vis-a-vis new evangelization in AMECEA Region.”


By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News