MALAWI: Catholic Youth Commit Themselves to Missionary Work

Youth joined by PMS Directors, and other Fathers making the promises
atholic youth in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe have committed themselves to the missionary work of the Church during this Mission Month, by pledging various missionary activities they will do and by refraining from bad behaviors.
The young people made the pledge during activities that marked the launch of the World Mission Month of October at Mtima Woyera (Sacred Heart) Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese, in preparation for the World Mission Day, which falls on 21st October 2018.
Among other things, the youth have resolved to visit the elderly and orphans of all religions; to counsel and teach the Good News to fellow youths especially those involved in drug and substance abuse and other bad behaviors; to support fellow youth with albinism; never to allow themselves to be used by politicians; to stop immoral acts such as indulging in sexual activities; and theft, just to mention a few.
In his remarks, the National Director for the Pontifical Mission Societies in Malawi, Rev Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa reminded the youth that during this Month, the Catholic Church is sending them to go and proclaim the gospel to the whole world.
“As a praying society, we want the youth to develop a spirit of prayer which is fundamental in transforming one’s heart. We are also encouraging them to go and identify needs in the communities and to serve in their own capacity; to share what they have with others; and also to give whatever they have to the Church for mission work. As Christians, we are all being asked to recommit ourselves to help the mission work of the Church”. Said Fr. Mwakhwawa Organized by the Society of the Propagation of Faith, particularly the Pontifical Mission Societies, the World Mission Sunday celebrates the feast of Catholicity and universal solidarity. During the Mission Month Christians are encouraged to play fulfill their baptismal obligations of praying, serving and donating something for the missionary work of the Church.
This year, the National Mission Sunday celebrations in Malawi will be held at Mpiri Parish in the Diocese of Mangochi under the theme “Together with young people, let us bring the Gospel to all”.
By: Stella Zulu