ZAMBIA: Mansa Diocese Creates Ten New Parishes in Four Years

Rt. Rev. Patrick Chisanga, O.F.M. Conv. Bishop of Mansa
The Catholic Diocese of Mansa, situated in Luapula Region, Northern Zambia, has had to create ten new parishes to cater for the growing need for Sacraments to the Catholic Population. Mansa is a typical rural diocese, which covers approximately 44,000 Square Kilometres (16,995 Square Miles), and previously had only 16 parishes to serve the people.
According to Rt. Rev. Patrick Chilekwa Chisanga, O.F.M. Conv. Who was appointed Bishop of the Diocese in 2014, the decision to create ten more parishes within a span of four years was informed by the dire need he established during his initial orientation and visitations across the diocese as he interacted with the Christians.

Diocese during his Pastoral Visits (Photo Courtesy)
“When we say 16 parishes in a rural setting, it is like one parish having 40 prayer centres or outstations, which would be 50-60 kilometres away from the main Church. So, in our reflections we realized that it was not practical. Therefore, in our strategic plan we prioritized bringing priests and Sacraments closer to the people,” Bishop Chisanga explained.
He further said that even now when they have erected more parishes, they still have priests taking care of more than 20 outstations, meaning that there are still more people across the Diocese who cannot regularly access Sacraments such as the Eucharist and Reconciliation.
“We have priests who are going to the outstations, for example, on a Wednesday and staying on till Sunday before coming back to the parish centres. They have to sleep in different villages so that they can serve the people in those places.”
“Even myself when I do my Pastoral Visitations, I just don’t go on a Sunday, I start my journey on a Thursday so that on a Friday I will be able to reach one area of the parish, visit a number of outstations, where people come together and celebrate Mass. I do Confirmations then get back to the Parish if it is possible – otherwise, I sleep in one of the outstations and then Saturday proceed with the celebrations, and then Sunday I am at the main Parish church,” he offered.
According to his report, when administering the Sacrament of Confirmation, it would be within a range of 30 and 200 candidates: this Bishop Chisanga says is a sign of growth of the Catholic Church in the Dioceses.
“When I look at the registers of Baptism in the parishes, there are hundreds baptized. When the parish priest is making his round, there are many children, and adults too, who have been attending catechetical instructions towards reception of the Sacraments. These are indications that the Church is alive, active and growing.”
By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News