KENYA: New Parish Created in the Archdiocese of Nairobi

H.E. John Cardinal Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi
His Eminence, John Cardinal Njue, has elevated Holy Rosary Church – Ridgeways, to the status of a parish. The newly created parish has been an outstation of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Parklands. The new parish will have three outstations namely: Muringa, Huruma, and Karura.
It will be part of Central Deanery. This brings to 114 the number of parishes in the Archdiocese of Nairobi.
His Eminence has appointed Father George Mungai as the Father-In-Charge of the new parish. He has been the Father-In-Charge of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Parklands.
Father John Oscar Mung’oma who has been the assistant to Father George Mungai in Parklands, has been appointed as the Father-In-Charge of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Parklands.
Let us wish the priests all the best in their new appointments as we celebrate the creation of the new parish.
By Fr. David Njau, Communications Office, Archdiocese of Nairobi