KENYA: Bishop lauds training of parish communication agents.

Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki Njiru, Bishop of Embu
The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Social Communications Commission held a one day first pilot training workshop attended by more than 30 parish communications agents drawn from various parishes in the diocese of Embu.
Speaking at clergy House in Embu on 30th August 2018 after the training, Rt. Rev Paul Kariuki Njiru, the Bishop of Embu welcomed and appreciated the training saying that it is coming at the right time when the diocese’s own radio station, Radio Kimuri, will be on air.
“With the coming of the radio, various programs would be launched and we shall need to know what is happening in various parishes and prayer houses. Our media is not going to stop just with the launch our diocesan Newsletter, Mwangaza. Rather, Radio Kimuri and Mwangaza Newsletter will work hand in hand,” he revealed.
The Bishop said that with the launch of the diocesan radio, there shall be trainings so that the team working there may be in touch with communications agents at the parishes and institutions.
Bishop Kariuki exhorted parish communications agents to highlight the plight of the poor by working hard to transform the lives of others, making sure they are different from the others in the secular media.
“Highlight the many good things that are taking place in the Catholic Church. People would like to read and listen to ‘good news’ not just negative ones. Let them give testimony that were it not so and so, my life could not be the way it is today. We are called to love not only by word but also by actions,” he emphasized.
The Bishop urged the parish communications agents to promote Catholic publications by encouraging the faithful to develop a reading culture. “We capture stories not just for information sake but also to present the teaching of Jesus Christ. Our people long to read, the only thing we don’t do is empower them to do it,” he noted.

Director KCCB
Brother Elias Mokua, SJ, the National Communications Director who happened to be one of the facilitators, said that the training workshop was aimed at how best a parish communications agents network can use information they receive for evangelization, support the bishop’s work, promote Catholic identity and stand for the common good.
“The bishops have their own declarations made through pastoral letters which they write. These need to be known by all Christians. We want to create online Catholic Church especially for our youth, meeting them where they are by broadening our markets,” he said.
Bro Mokua cautioned that there is too much news including fake ones, too much misinformation, propaganda and character assassination. He asked the parish communications agents to use the current technology wisely to defend the dignity of the human person, promote truth and the common weal. They were trained to have nose for news, finish their articles on time and be accurate and objective in reporting.
By Fr James Gatiti, Communications Coordinator, Embu Diocese