ETHIOPIA: Archbishop Ziyaye tells AMECEA Bishops not to be intimidated by threats

Malawian Bishops Concelebrating at Eucharistic Celebrations animated by their Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Saturday 21st July
Most Rev. Tarcisius Ziyaye, Archbishop of Lilongwe, Malawi has asked his brother Bishops from AMECEA Region to remain firm in condemning social injustices and exploitation of the poor. He urged them not be afraid to suffer for the people of God entrusted to their pastoral care and must not shy away from preaching the Gospel of Christ, which will eventually lead to ending exploitation and the injustice.

Lilongwe, Malawi
In his Homily during the Eucharistic Celebrations on Saturday 21st at AMECEA 19th Plenary Assembly in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Archbishop Ziyaye said that often times Cardinals, Bishops and Priests are intimidated with threats whenever they preach against acts of injustices and exploitation of the poor.
“My brothers and sisters, it is a fact that when we Bishops and of course cardinals as well as priests, preach against exploitation of the poor or issue pastoral letters pointing out the injustices, more often than not some politicians and government react very badly. They desert us and even threaten us with persecution or death,” Archbishop Ziyaye said adding that the Bishops as serious disciples of Jesus Christ they should give up on their duty and responsibility.
“As we have reflected in our study session, love and charity in all these extension is our guiding principle.
Indeed the dignity of every person who is created in the image and likeness of God is very important; every person deserves respect therefore it is our responsibility as the Church to protect the poor and to speak out for the voiceless so that they can embark on integral human development and lead a dignified life,” Archbishop Ziyaye said.
He expressed that there are some people who often protest that the Church should stay away from economic and social matters, while he admitted that certain issues may be complicated and complex, the word of God both in the old and the new testament and the teaching of the church give witness that God’s ministers, the pastors are called to do their best to eliminate injustices and the exploitation of the poor.
“Indeed religion begins in the Church, we pray that our religion must influence the way in which we live, therefore my brothers and sisters in our conducts there must not be a slightest hint of prejudice, injustice or exploitation,” Archbishop Ziyaye told the Bishops adding “God wants our worship, but he also wants us to act in justice and love towards all his people.”
By Pamela Adinda