AMECEA: All Roads Lead to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The preparations for the 19th AMECEA Plenary Assembly, which have been on going, are now closing this week when the delegates and the partners will start arriving Addis Ababa, Ethiopia beginning Monday 9th July 2018.
Speaking to AMECEA Online News at the Secretariat, the Secretary General of AMECEA Very Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo said that the first group will arrive in Addis Ababa on Monday 9th.
The group will include AMECEA Secretariat Management team and two administrative Secretaries who will be in the country to liaise with the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat (ECS) Preparatory Committee for final touches of the preparations including the hosting of the AMECEA Executive Delegates (second group) who will be arriving on the 12 July. The third group is the Bishops delegates who will arrive on the 13th , a day before their recollection. The last group of delegates will arrive on Saturday, a day before the official opening of the 19th AMECEA Plenary Assembly.
Fr. Lugonzo said that the arriving of the Executive before other delegates is vital because they belong to the preparatory committee of the plenary. They need all the preparatory details of the plenary before other delegates arrive.
According to Fr. Lugonzo, the AMECEA Secretariat team will set the secretariat and fill up some gaps related to the preparations in order to ensure that everything falls in place prior to the commencement of the plenary.
“As much as Ethiopia is ready, it is important that the members of the AMECEA secretariat get to Ethiopia early enough to set and test the system and the equipment, so that by the time the plenary begins, everything is set for the event.
Fr. Lugonzo said that the two teams (AMECEA Team and ECS Team) have been working from different points, thus earlier arrival would compose one team that will run the Plenary Assembly to the end.
“The members of the steering committee, and the heads of different sub committees from the AMECEA Secretariat have to harmonize their plans with those of the ECS preparatory committee. This will enable the smooth running of the sessions during the plenary,” concluded the Secretary General.
Sr. Antoinette Jecinter Okoth, FSSA