MALAWI: PMS Rescues Nakalanzi Health Centre From Closing

Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Malawi, known for mission work of promoting and helping people understand the missionary work of the church through prayer, offering and service , came to the rescue of Nakalanzi health Centre in Ntakataka parish of Dedza diocese through its financial support that was used to build a hospital building for newborn children.
The building which was built with money amounting to three million kwacha from holy childhood funds is now being used as a maternity wing and a children’s ward, as the old building at the Centre is undergoing maintenance due to its dilapidated condition.
Speaking as he supervised the PMS projects by national and diocesan directors as part of PMS council meeting activities, PMS National Director in Malawi, Rev. Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa said as PMS, they were satisfied with the work that was done as one could not believe that the building was built with the amount of money that was set aside for its completion.
“The building should encourage children and Parents from this diocese to develop the spirit of helping other children as the money that was used to build this hospital building was donated by children from other countries. This means that the money that was given was well spent and it has produced results. I encourage other directors to continue researching on what children are lacking and submit their request to the Holy Father in Rome who has children’s needs at heart and does not hesitate to help them.” Said Fr. MwakhwawaHe acknowledged that the church is already doing a lot to help people at Nakalanzi and other areas. He

however expressed regret that, the government is not providing other services like electricity and good roads which the hospital lacks. This has been said to be due to the fact that the place belongs to Catholics and the church should provide everything, which is denying people in the area the right to development they deserve.
In her remarks, Sr. Getrude Livila who represented Sr. Joyce Matchumbuza who is the in charge of the hospital, thanked PMS for the financial support they gave. She also thanked Fr. Madeya, PMS Director of Dedza diocese for choosing Nakalasi health Center as one of the beneficiaries of PMS projects.
“The Building has helped the hospital to continue offering its services as it could have closed due to lack of a building to operate from because the old one is in bad condition and it is going through maintenance work. Challenges faced by Nakalasi health Centre include lack of beddings for patients and inadequate medicine because as a Mission hospital, we help people especially from rural areas at very low charges,” Said Sr. Livila
Fr. Madeya, PMS Director of Dedza diocese said the building should be an encouragement to Christians to encourage children by giving them enough money to give at church so that they should one day also provide for other needy children. He also thanked the in charge of the hospital, Sr. Matchumbuza for ensuring that the money that was given to them was utilized for the intended purpose.
The PMS second council meeting took place at Chitsulo lodge in Salima district of Dedza diocese from 19 to 23 June. During this meeting, the Directors among other activities, presented reports from national office and dioceses, evaluated Vocations Sunday celebrations, discussed preparations for World Mission Sunday and extraordinary month and supervised PMS projects in the diocese.
By: Stella Zulu, ECM