ETHIOPIA: Catholic Church lauds peace initiative between Ethiopia and Eritrea

The Ethiopian Catholic Church lauds the peace initiative between Ethiopia and Eritrea and joins in the welcoming ceremony of the Eritrean high-level delegation that arrived in Addis Ababa on June 26, 2018 to engage in peace talks with the Ethiopian Government.
The Chairman of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA) who is President of Catholic Bishops Conference of Ethiopia and the Archbishop of Metropolitan Addis Ababa His Eminence Cardinal Berhaneyesus, C.M., and was among those who warmly welcomed the delegation in a process that was led by Ethiopian Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed. The High-level Eritrean delegation comprised of two officials; Eritrean Foreign Minister H.E. Mr. Osman Salih, and special advisor to Mr. Isaias Afewerki, the Eritrean President H.E. Mr. Yemane Gebreab.
Cardinal Berhaneyesus, C.M., termed the occasion a happy moment for the Catholic Church in Ethiopia and Eritrea as the Catholic faithful in both countries have been praying for peace since the conflict started. According to His Eminence the Catholic Church has served as a bridge during all the years of standoff through the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ethiopia and Eritrea who
was meeting until recently to discuss the life of the Church in both countries which has continued until the Holy Father decided to establish a Metropolitan Sui Iuris Church of Asamara.
“I thank the Catholic faithful in Ethiopia and Eritrea and those who are in the Diaspora for continuously praying for peace. I would like to congratulate them for we have received answers to our prayers. This is a first step to sustainable peace and I ask you to continue praying that with God’s grace this initiative may be successful. I invite all Catholic Faithful in both countries to pray for the governments of both countries that God my lead and bless the discussions they are holding to resolve the problem,” asked the Cardinal to the faithful.
Cardinal Berhaneyesus added that the level of welcoming ceremony organized for the delegation shows how committed the Ethiopian government is in ensuring that peace and harmony prevail between the two countries. He noted that it is important to look into the wisdom of the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea in bringing about sustainable peace adding that, Ethiopians and Eritreans are great people who in history have contributed a lot in bringing peace in other countries, and they are capable of solving their own problems.
“I believe we don’t need to look for help anywhere else in bringing peace among our countries, if we collaborate we can find solutions to our problems ourselves. Let us pray to God that He may guide us in the road for peace. Now in our countries it is the rainy season and traditionally we say the coming season in September is a season of bright hope – let us pray we will get much more good news in this coming season of hope,” said Cardinal Berhaneyesus.
Religious leaders, Ethiopian elders, artists and other important figures were all waiting for the Eritrean delegation as they arrived in Ethiopia. Flags of both countries and posters with welcoming messages were hanged on the streets of the Capital city. It is the first time in 20 years that a high-level Eritrean delegation has come to Ethiopia. Eretria is also one of the member countries of AMECEA.
By Makeda, Communications Coordinator, ECS