MADAGASCAR: AMECEA Vice Chairman participates in the SECAM/GERMAN Bishops joint Meeting

A group photo with the President of Madagascar, His Excellency Hery Rajaonarimampianina (centre)
The Vice Chairman of AMECEA, Most Rev. Thomas Luke Msusa, was among the Bishops of SECAM who participated in the joint meeting of African and German Bishops that was held in Antananarivo, Madagascar from 22nd -27th, May, 2018.
According to the Statement issued after the meeting whose theme was “Integral Human Development”, the convention was necessitated by the socio-cultural developments (some positive and others negative) of secularization and globalization that the world is traversing. The theme was also inspired by the Catholic Social Doctrine of Popes in the last fifty years, especially Populorum Progressio of 1967 by Blessed Pope Paul VI, in which he gave a critical definition of development, through Pope Benedict XVI’s Caritas in veritate of 2009 and the recent Encyclical Laudato Si’ of 2015 by Pope Francis.

Apostolic Nuncio to Madagascar, Most Rev Paulo Rocco
In a statement signed by His Excellency Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi, Archbishop of Lubango, Angola President of SECAM and His Eminence Reinhard Cardinal Marx Archbishop of Munich-Freising, Germany, President of the German Bishops’ Conference, the Bishops made a reference to the social doctrine document of Blessed Paul VI Popularum Progressio noting that, In order to be complete and integral, human development must ensure the total well-being of every person and of every human society.
“It must involve the sustained growth of every one, ensuring that he/she enjoys just and peaceful relationships in a thriving environment of cultural, political, economic, social and spiritual wholeness among others. This wholeness should also include the well-being of his/her family, society and nature. In fact, it must also guarantee respect for the sacredness of human life, the dignity of every person and the integrity of creation, which Pope Francis calls “our common home” in Laudato Si’,” read the statement.
The Bishops resolved to be advocates of integral human development in their own countries as well as on the international scene even more effectively and more convincingly than before adding that the Church is a global institution, a global player, offering opportunities that needs to be used resolutely – with priority to the well-being of the poor and the integrity of creation.
The Bishops are looking forward to the next meeting of the African and German Bishops for more fruitful dialogue and exchange of ideas and thoughts towards greater ecclesial collaboration and communion.
By AMECEA Online News Reporter