TANZANIA: New Bishop for Mbulu Diocese Appointed

Rev. Fr Anthony Lagwen
The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of Mbulu, Tanzania, Rev. Fr Anthony Lagwen, of the clergy of the same diocese, who until his appointment was the bursar of the same ecclesiastical circumscription.
The Apostolic Administrator of Mbulu, Most Rev. Isaac Amani broke the news of the appointment to the faithful saying; “I have the honour and joy to announce to you the good news that Pope Francis today May 22, 2018, in Rome has announced the appointment of Rev Fr. Antony Lagwen to be a New Bishop of Mbulu Diocese.”
Archbishop Amani said, “After many years of prayers God has heard our prayers and the work that is before us is to prepare for his installation as the shepherd of the diocese.”
The Bishop-Elect on his part thanked the Holy Father for the appointment and asked the faithful of Mbulu to continue praying for him and for the diocese so that they may all be able to effectively fulfil God’s mission for the diocese and the universal Church.
The Bishop-Elect was born on 5th July 1967 in Tlawi, in the diocese of Mbulu. After primary studies in his native country and secondary school in the Sanu minor Seminary in Mbulu, he studied Philosophy in the Saint Anthony Seminary in Ntungamo, Bukoba, and Theology in the Saint Paul interdiocesan major Seminary in Kipalapala, Tabora. He was ordained on 18 October 1999 for the diocese of Mbulu.
Since priestly ordination he has held the following offices: from 1999 to 2000: parish vicar of Bashay; from 2000 to 2004: studies in Business Administration at the Saint Augustine Catholic University of Tanzania in Mwanza; from 2004 to 2009: bursar of the Diocese of Mbulu; from 2009 to 2011: studies at the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute in Arusha; since 2012: bursar of the Diocese of Mbulu.
By Sarah Pelaji, TEC