KENYA: KCCB-Catholic Justice and Peace Commission Sends Sympathy Message to the Families Affected by Disasters of Floods and Landslides

Photos of the Effects of floods courtesy of the internet

Rt. Rev. John Oballa Owaa, Bishop of Ngong Diocese and chairman of KCCB-Catholic Justice and Peace Commission has expressed sympathy and deep sadness over the deaths and devastation of the families who have suffered the wrath of the disasters that are coming along with the heavy rains that are currently being witnessed in the country.

Rt. Rev. John Oballa Owaa,  Bishop of Ngong Diocese  and Chairman of KCCB  Catholic Justice and Peace  Commission
Rt. Rev. John Oballa Owaa,
Bishop of Ngong Diocese
and Chairman of KCCB
Catholic Justice and Peace

In a message sent to the press on Friday 11th May, 2018, Bishop Oballa said that the Catholic Church in the country is deeply saddened by the loss of lives, the injured and the large-scale destruction created across the country of which the worst and shocking being the Nakuru-Solai Dam tragedy that has left more than 40 people dead and others untraceable.

“Our heartfelt condolences and well wishes also to those affected in Muranga, Kilifi, Lamu, Narok, Tana River among others. In these painful circumstances, I wish to express the solidarity and prayers of the Catholic Church in Kenya and our sincerest condolences to the relatives of the victims and to all those who are suffering the consequences of these many catastrophes. Our sympathy goes to you and to the people of the Kenya.”

Bishop Oballa further said that as the Church commends the good work being done by the disaster recovery teams on the ground, they are also calling upon responsible institutions and authorities to ensure safety of citizens by making sure that prescribed standards are adhered to and with no compromise at all times.

“We humbly request that both national and county governments to step up their initiatives in responding to such tragedies. We call upon all Kenyans and other people of goodwill to come out and help our brothers and sisters who are in need of our help.”


Source: Waumini Communications Ltd, KCCB