SOUTH SUDAN: Over 200 child soldiers released in Yambio

More than two hundred child soldiers including 95 girls were released to the community on Tuesday, 24th, April, 2018 in Yambio Gbudue State.

This is the second time child soldiers are released in Gbudue State. The first was early February, 2018,  where about 300 child soldiers including 75 girls were released in Yambio.

During the event held on Tuesday, some of the released children said they were engaged in various criminal activities while in the bush.

The occasion was witnessed by the Ambassadors of Canada, Sweden, EU Representatives, among others.

The children were arrested at schools and promised to be given huge ransom of Money but were not even paid.

Daniel Badagbu Rimbasa, Governor of Gbudue State pledged to work diligently to bring peace and stability to the State and South Sudan at large, to create a conducive learning environment for children.

He calls upon those still holding guns to join the government for peace, development and stability.

In the meantime, Acting Chairperson of South Sudan Disarmament Demobilization and Re-integration commission Claude Obwaha Akasha emphasized that children are supposed to go to school but not to be turned in to soldiers.

Akasha revealed that the released child soldiers have been screened for various diseases, given scholastic materials and will be engaged in some vocational training.

According to the UN children’s agency, there are about 19,000 children who are believed to be associated with various armed groups across the country.